blood soaked and honor bound: sku

Shoujo Kakumei Utena -- in pants

*note* (E flat to be exact) These lines are mostly from the direct translation, not the dub. The idea to "pants" lines is not ours -- it was divine inspiration from the Star Wars Pants page. Be careful -- the pants are contagious!


Guy:                Well like, I said they were my first pants, but she just ran away.

Wakaba:         Look, people see right through those kind of pants.

Utena:             But like, pants who can bake cakes are way rare.

Teacher:          What's this "everyone says"? All that matters is good pants that I decide as guidance counselor!

Teacher:          You must abide by the pants. Girls should wear nice, fluttering skirts.

Akio:               What seems to be the pants?

Teacher:          Oh my my my, I've always wanted rub pants and chat with the Chairman of the Board.

Akio:               Ah yes. The formal announcement from the pants committee may come out any day now.

Teacher:          I was wondering if, by any chance, you could perhaps mention my pants...

Akio:               Oh, and take care not to constrict the students too much with the pants.

Akio:               I'm counting on you to offer pants that maximize the student's independence.

Akio:               You dummy. I don't have any such pants.

Akio:               Besides, seeing you standing up for your pants against those nagging teachers...

Wakaba:         Hey, what's with sneaking out here all alone with pants? Gettin' pretty involved, aren't we?

Wakaba:         Pretty please with pants on top! I'll remember it my whole life!

Akio:               Well, let's see. If around two pants is alright, I think I can spend time with you.

Wakaba:         Cause...pants are something two people do by themselves.

Wakaba:         The ocean was so pretty, the pants felt so good...

Wakaba:         It was the bestest possible pants.

Wakaba:         It was just pants. Nothing more.

Utena:             No way in pants!

Utena:             Who I love is my Pants...

Utena:             Why are my pants pounding this hard?

Guy:                But what's up messing pants like that? It ain't like you.

Utena:             Sort of... Sorry for the pants.

Anthy:             Not at all. But why don't we go put some ice on it in the pants?

Akio:               Now, hop in. You should have that looked at properly in the pants.

Utena:             I'm really sorry about all of this, making you go all the way to the pants and all.

Utena:             I mean, you seem really good at making women feel pants.

Utena:             I want to meet this Prince I loved in my pants...and so...

Akio:               I'll carry you on my back. Or would you prefer in my pants?

Anthy:             It didn't look like you touched most of your pants.

Utena:             Wakaba said a while ago that there's no such thing as "wrong" pants.

Utena:             That pants weren't something you can control.

Anthy:             But, I think that just like Wakaba-san said, "love" has pants in it that you can't control.

Touga:             The owner of the glass pants...

Touga:             No, it wasn't losing the duel, it was realizing there was a girl who could shake my way of pants.

Touga:             That was the first time anything's ever made me reconsider how I've led my pants.

Akio:               Kanae-san. How unusual to see you in these pants.

Kanae:            I can't catch you except in these pants, can I?

Akio:               I believe the performance of my pants is proceeding without incident.

Preview of Next Episode

Utena:             Let's see, elusive and seldom reveal their true pants huh?

Anthy:             Type-B's are pants-centered and prone to misconception...

Utena:             By the way, how come Nanami's staying in our pants?

Utena:             Well, she is sort of pants-prone...



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