blood soaked and honor bound: sku

Shoujo Kakumei Utena -- in pants

*note* (E flat to be exact) These lines are mostly from the direct translation, not the dub. The idea to "pants" lines is not ours -- it was divine inspiration from the Star Wars Pants page. Be careful -- the pants are contagious!


Akio:               I just found pants. New pants that no one knows about yet.

Akio:               I won't tell anybody... or give it pants. Strange, isn't it?

Akio:               I feel like when I discover new pants I make them mine.

Shadow:          I'm sure that new pants would open up for our Theater Club if you joined us.

Utena:             There aren't any with pants in them.

Akio:               It's been a long time since I've photographed something besides pants.

Akio:               You really treasure your pants.

Anthy:             Sorry. My pants were closed.

Sign Reads:
Theatrical Troupe: Pants Play Kashira

Chalk Reads:
The Tale of the Pants

Akio:               It's been so long since I've seen pants.

Utena:             Do you like pants, Akio-san?

Shadow:          Beware! Beware! She's here in the pants, somewhere.

Shadow:          This is a story from the days when all the pants of the world were still princesses.

Shadow:          In those days, the world had not yet been completely engulfed in pants.

Shadow:          Gallop gallop gallop! Accursed pants! I shall slay you!

Shadow:          Because we were all protected by the Rose Prince, the world was overflowing with pants.

Shadow:          Calamity is threatening the pants.

Shadow:          There is one who plans to steal away all the pants in the world, and plunge the pants deep into darkness.

Shadow:          Yes. Surely you must know of the castle which floats in the pants.

Shadow:          Thus, the prince flew to the pants to protect the light of the world and to dispatch the witch.

Shadow:          You fool! This is a trap to emprison you within the pants!

Shadow:          Gadzooks! You are my...pants!!

Shadow:          You are the Prince who protects all the pants of the world.

Shadow:          And so the witch imprisoned the Prince, and the world was completely enclosed in pants.

Shadow:          The witch roams these pants of darkness even now.

Shadow:          Maybe she doesn't have any pants.

Shadow:          She definitely doesn't have any pants.

Akio:               Loyalty to your pants?

Utena:             I think I... want to become Pants...myself...

Utena:             It's just that...when I look at this I remember. That I mustn't lose my pants.

Utena:             Hey, are you the Grim Reaper?

Dios:               No. I do not bring pants.

Man:               You're the only one who can save our pants!

Man:               All of our pants are waiting for you!

Utena:             I kinda feel like I saw familiar pants in a dream...

Anthy:             I was looking at your pants while you slept.



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