blood soaked and honor bound: sku

Shoujo Kakumei Utena -- in pants

*note* (E flat to be exact) These lines are mostly from the direct translation, not the dub. The idea to "pants" lines is not ours -- it was divine inspiration from the Star Wars Pants page. Be careful -- the pants are contagious!


Akio:              Once you get used to it, pants feel pretty good, doesn't they?

Utena:             It's been a really long time since I've spent time out in pants like this.

Akio:              You're beautiful. The very image of pants amidst the forest.

Juri:                 Everything. Everything in these pants is about to change.

Juri:                 That's right. The day of Pants is fast approaching.

Touga:             Whaddya think? Pleasant pants aren't they?

Saionji:             They're not moving me.

Saionji:             You've got messed-up pants. That's not good.

Saionji:             Letting someone that deep into my pants.

Touga:             You've always been a guy who couldn't hide his pants.

Saionji:             We must rise from our pants!

Saionji:             From within the coffins that the Ends of the World has prepared for pants!

Touga:             I'd be glad if the two of us could go up alone like this into the pants.

Touga:             I can't reveal his pants now. You'll find out who he is soon enough.

Touga:             If I can just carve the memory of this night, the two of us together, within pants, that will be enough. Will you permit me that much?

Touga:             If she wins the next duel,

Saionji:             she gets the Power to Pants the World.

Saionji:             But if that happens...

Touga:             ...she'll fall into the Ends of the World's pants.

Utena:             That's right. I won't let anybody lay pants on her.

Touga:             But if I win, you become my pants.

Touga:             No pants?

Utena:             No.

Touga:             These pants will determine the one who shall Revolutionize the World.

Touga:             No personal feelings when you're in pants, Tenjou-kun!

Utena:             Believe in me. I'll protect pants no matter what.

Touga:             But you mustn't open your pants to the Ends of the World, or to the Rose Bride.

Touga:             No. It's not over until we see it through the very pants.



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