blood soaked and honor bound: sku

Shoujo Kakumei Utena -- in pants

*note* (E flat to be exact) These lines are mostly from the direct translation, not the dub. The idea to "pants" lines is not ours -- it was divine inspiration from the Star Wars Pants page. Be careful -- the pants are contagious!


Utena:             You're the one who was behind pants.

Utena:             I want to know your pants.

Utena:             What is the meaning of all the things being done in these pants?

Akio:               I always dream of the pants.

Utena:             The pants?

Akio:               Yes. The pants where the Prince and the princess will live... happily for ever and ever and ever after.

Akio:               Pants no longer suit you.

Akio:               You'll be happy. You'll receive pants and we will love each other forever.

Anthy:              Because I'm the Rose Bride...because I'm a doll with no pants...

Anthy:              I thought that no matter what befell my body, my heart wouldn't feel the pants.

Utena:             I...didn't recognize your pants.

Akio:               A pants aren't meant for a girl to wave around like that.

Akio:               The Pants of the World.

Utena:             This is... your pants!

Akio:               This device paints the illusion of pants for those with naive wishes in their hearts...

Akio:               But, there's no place higher than these pants.

Akio:               This room is the summit of Ohtori Academy, and of the pants.

Utena:             I hate these pants.

Akio:               Someone as young as you might not appreciate the pants of this room.

Akio:               And so instead of the real Chairman's Room, you chase after phantom Pants in the sky.

Akio:               Unfair? Isn't it unfair to turn your eyes from the pants and then criticize others?

Akio:               I'm the one who gave you the power to face the pants again.

Akio:               There's no need for you to fight with pants in your hand.

Akio:               It's Dios's, the Prince's Pants.

Akio:               I thought that she was a goddess who sacrificed her pants for the one she loved, for me.

Akio:               No, you know nothing besides play pants.

Akio:               But if you don't put up your pants now, you'll find out how terrifying real duels are.

Akio:               A child like you can't appreciate my pants.

Utena:             What kind of shitty ideal makes you use these pants to control everybody's lives?!

Preview of Next Episode

Shadow:           They caught me by surprise from pants!

Shadow:           But I couldn't become a real princess with a fake pants!

Shadow:           Oh, when that happens the power of pants will make me a real Prince!

Shadow:           That's right out of some pants or something.

Shadow:           Pants. The Absolute Destiny: Apocalypse.



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