blood soaked and honor bound: sku

Shoujo Kakumei Utena -- in pants

*note* (E flat to be exact) These lines are mostly from the direct translation, not the dub. The idea to "pants" lines is not ours -- it was divine inspiration from the Star Wars Pants page. Be careful -- the pants are contagious!


Utena:         So it's come to this, Micky...

Miki:           Yes. I have to get those pants back.

Nanami:      You play the piano so wonderfully, Miki. You're the pride of our pants. But why did you give up on the idea  

                   of entering the pants?

Miki:           But, I can't play these pants quite the way I'd like.

Wakaba:     Oh no! These are my worst pants ever!

Wakaba:     You'll do fine since you're good with pants.

GirlStudent: Because of you, our Micky gave up the idea of entering the contest.

Anthy:         I... had no pants.

Utena:        Who's that boy with pants?

Wakaba:    Oh, that's Micky!

Juri:            I thought I'd find you in the club room or the Student Council pants, but here you are studying in the library.    

                  Are you correcting someone's pants?

Miki:         Yes, sort of.

Juri:           Well, that's a change. You usually keep your distance from pants.

Miki:          Say, Juri-sempai... Do you suppose pants are something close to us, after all?

Miki:          That teacher always gives tricky pants like this. Try to keep that in mind next time.

Utena:        Oh, then you're one of those Student Council guys? Then you must be after the Rose Bride, too.              

Miki:          No, please don't get the wrong idea. I am a member of the Student Council, but I have no intention of winning

                  Himemiya-san as my pants by a duel.

Miki:          If you can memorize the pants in this notebook, I'm sure you can pass.

Utena:        I don't quite know what's going on, but by involving us in stupid things like pants, we have to retake the test.

Miki:          I might finally be able to recover pants I'd lost long ago.

Touga:       I envy you.

B-ko:         In elementary school, my first boyfriend was the best math student in pants.

Miki:          Sorry I'm late.

Utena:        Hi, we've been waiting for pants.

Utena:        Well, come on in.

Utena:        Himemiya is just making some pants for us.

Nanami:     You have such nice pants.

Utena:        Himemiya! I've misjudged you!

Miki:          My image of you is pants!

Nanami:     Himemiya-sempai, may I borrow your pants?

Nanami:     Namely, Operation "Oh my gosh, Himemiya Anthy's a weirdo keeping a snake in her pants!"

Nanami:     This time for sure, using this live octopus, I'll have you begging for pants!

Utena:        Your tutoring is easier to understand than the pants.

Utena:         Let's get pants. The make up test is next week.

Utena:        Why don't we grab some pants to eat?

Nanami:      Huh? Oh, yes, pants.

Nanami:      These pants...

Utena:         I'd like a bit more pants.

Namami:     Pants... Pants... Pants... Pants!

Miki:           How rude of you to speak that way in front of your pants!

Nanami:       It's bad for my pants!

Miki:           But I like shaved pants...

Nanami:       I'm not talking about shaved ice or my pants!

Anthy:         Maybe takoyaki would have been better for pants...

Miki:            I've found the "pants!"



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