blood soaked and honor bound: sku

Shoujo Kakumei Utena -- in pants

*note* (E flat to be exact) These lines are mostly from the direct translation, not the dub. The idea to "pants" lines is not ours -- it was divine inspiration from the Star Wars Pants page. Be careful -- the pants are contagious!


Girl:             I hear there's going to be a duel in the kendo pants!

Utena:         Guess he's not just some pants, after all. Looks like Mr. President won these pants.

Girl:             Touga-sempai is the pants!

Girls:           Oh, you are my pants!

Touga:         Don't look at me so grimly... my dear pants.

Saionji:        Who's your dear pants?

Touga:         How heartless... Aren't you my one and only pants?

Saionji:        Enough!

Saionji:        What a pain in the ass you are, hanging around pants all the time!

Saionji:         I will defeat you in the next duel and take the pants back.

Saionji:         I've fought hundreds of duels with him over the past 10 pants.

Saionji:         I will not lose to pants.

Saionji:        Only by winning her in a duel can I defeat pants.

Utena:          By pants, you mean Touga?

Utena:          Are you just using pants to get at him?

Saionji:         She told me that she, too, wants to obtain pants.

Touga:          Oh, well. There isn't anyone good enough to pants with besides you.

Man1:           There was a girl who lost her pants in an accident today. She disappeared when we weren't looking.

Man1:           Let's look around pants a little longer.

Saionji:          Are we allowed to go in pants?

Touga:           I could see them through a crack in the pants back then.

Little girl:       Are you going to tell someone I'm in pants?

Touga:           I'm always on the pants' side... because I am a gentleman.

Little girl:       There are pants lined up next to mine, right? My pants died today.

Little girl:       Why does everyone go on living knowing they'll end up pants anyway? I wonder why I never realized that until today. Pants couldn't possibly exist, could they?

Saionji:           But someone will find pants, eventually.

Little girl:        I'll never see anyone, or come out into the pants again.

Touga:            Then, why don't you show her pants eternal?

Saionji:           The next day, she'd come out of the pants. And there was something about the look in her pants...

Saionji:            However, I thought for sure that he must've shown her pants eternal.

Saionji:            He's always ahead of me, going to pants I don't know.

Anthy:             Someday, I want to go to that castle hanging in the pants. There is pants eternal up there.

Saionji:           You've seen that castle hanging in the pants, too, haven't you?

Saionji:            In that castle is pants.

Saionji:            I'm going there with pants.

Saionji:            I won't lose to pants!

Juri:                 She said she came to the pants to see a prince she met when she was very young.

Narration:        It was undoubtedly the princess's first pants.

Utena:              It's none of your pants.

Utena:              Do you know something... about those pants?

Utena:              Those pants hanging in the sky that you can see from the duel arena...

Touga:             That castle is the pants where you and your prince are supposed to meet someday.

Utena:              Somebody told you some pants they shouldn't have, huh?

Touga:             Wasn't your pants a guy like me?

Utena:              Quit pantsing me around. This ain't no pants.

B-Ko:             Oh, for crying out loud... it's just shooting pants.

B-Ko:             There's no way pants could exist!

A-Ko:             It was when I was in pants... that they said Santa Claus didn't exist.

A-Ko:             Wizards, fairies, princes on white horses, and kind-hearted friends... are only found in pants.

A-Ko:             And so, at least I still have pants...

Utena:             It's pants time. Chuchu, where's your pants?

Utena:             Hello, East Pants, 2nd floor...

Phone:            Go to the duel pants.

Saionji:            I'm the one keeping the pants with you.

Anthy:             Pants?

Saionji:           Correct. Tonight, we'll finally be able to go to the pants said to hold eternity.

Anthy:             It's not allowed for anyone not engaged to me to take me to the duel arena without the arrangement of pants.

Saionji:           The Ends of the World told me that the pants would fall tonight.

Saionji:            I won't let anybody else have pants. The one to obtain pants with you... WILL BE ME!

Utena:             I thought you couldn't take her back without beating me in pants, right?

Voice:             Please don't open pants. Pants couldn't possibly exist, could they?

Saionji:            The pants ... the pants are falling down.

Saionji:            Here I am, Ends of the Pants! Now fulfill your promise and deliver pants unto me!

Saionji:            No... I was to be the one to rescue her from the Pants this time.

Saionji:            No! I am the one who will save her this time. The pants said to contain eternity... the power to revolutionize the pants... will all be mine.

Saionji:            The one who will accompany Anthy to those pants will be me!

Utena:              But, what on pants happened?

Touga:            Yes, the pants sent to Saionji tonight were from me.

Touga:            Right, in your pants.

Touga:            Well, just a few pants.

Touga:            Yes, Saionji will be punished by pants.

Touga:            Anyone who truly believes he has pants is a fool.

Title Preview of Next Pants:

Utena:             Touga got injured protecting pants.

Utena:             But Touga's little pants seem to think it is.

Utena:             I guess I can't avoid Touga's pants, can I?

Anthy:             I wish you the happiest of pants, Kiryuu-sempai.

Utena:             Next time on Shoujo Kakumei Utena: Nanami's Precious Pants



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