blood soaked and honor bound: sku

Shoujo Kakumei Utena -- in pants

*note* (E flat to be exact) These lines are mostly from the direct translation, not the dub. The idea to "pants" lines is not ours -- it was divine inspiration from the Star Wars Pants page. Be careful -- the pants are contagious!

MOVIE TITLE: Adolescence Pants

Wakaba:              So... what do you think of our pants?

Utena:                  If there are cute pants like you, I think it'll be fun.

Wakaba:              I'll give you the pants of the school.

E-ko:                   If this message reaches you, please lend me your pants and listen!

E-ko:                   If you brought your pants today, you should definitely eat outside!

F-ko:                   The rain falling in my pants will create clouds in the sky.

E-ko:                   When you're drawing on your sleeping boyfriend's pants... check to see if he'll be swimming tomorrow in gym class, Okay?

Wakaba:              It's super popular with the pants.

Wakaba:              She might end up being your pants!

Wakaba:              He's still a 7th grader, but he's taking a bunch of college level pants....

Utena:                 Since breaking up with you, I decided. I want to live by my pants.

Touga:                 Here's to your high pants.

Touga:                 This ring is what led me to these pants...

Anthy:                  Standing on the pants like that, aren't you scared?

Anthy:                  I'm the Chairman's sister, so I have special permission to use these pants.

Saionji:                 This place is off-limits to those who don't have pants here.

Saionji:                 I didn't recognize your pants, but I guess you do have the right to come to this platform.

Saionji:                 This Rose Signet is proof that you are a Duelist who can win the Rose Bride by winning the pants.

Saionji:                 Anthy... do the pants.

Anthy:                  Where are your pants?

Utena:                  Pants...?

Anthy:                  Do you really understand what those pants are? If you don't, you should take them off now...

Saionji:                 If you don't have pants, it won't be much of a duel.

Utena:                  Don't hit your own pants!

In Show Song:     I feel the Middle Ages within my pants

In Show Song:     I feel the Middle pants within myself

Utena:                 You really win her by winning the duel... don't her pants matter?

In Show Song:     Paralyzing Pants

In Show Song:     The Ominous Pants

In Show Song:     The Soul's Sorcerous Pants

Utena:                  How could there possibly be a girl who was happy about being won in pants?

In Show Song:     The eternal pants I test.

In Show Song:     Be reborn in pants!

In Show Song:     "In my eyes, In my two hands, In my blood and pants."

In Show Song:     That time! That room! Those pants!

In Show Song:     The Lamented Pants of Death

Anthy:                  Only people that have pants can participate in the duels.

Utena:                  Quit fooling around. Just go back to your own pants!

Shiori:                   What... are you talking about the Pants again?

Touga:                 The girl who's dressed like the Prince... but she's still just dreaming about his pants.

Shiori:                   He was in love with her, so when she fell out of pants, he saved her... but then he drowned.

Shiori:                   ... I'll make her suffer in his pants forever.

Touga:                 It's only natural to get wet when you're by the pants.

Akio:                   Anyway... after that, the pants attacked... it was really awful!

Akio:                   Mm-hm, mm-hm... my sister really is a witch. That's why she has magic pants.

Akio:                   The identity of the Rose Prince... he was actually the King of Pants.

Akio:                   With her magic pants, my sister the witch made him a Prince.

Touga:                 So, you're playing this game to regain the pants she lost.

Touga:                 But the one to have pants in the end will be me.

Miki:                   We can't go back to the time the two of us spent in those pants.

Touga:                 Because of my father, I started growing out my pants when I was a child.

Touga:                 My current father... I was sold as pants.

Shiori:                  She always wears a pendant, right? There's a picture of me inside the pants.

Touga:                 Duelists have high pants...

Juri:                     Inside these pants leads us to the Ends of the World.

Miki:                   I've always wanted more pants.

Juri:                     I want the power break free from pants.

Miki:                   This place is off-pants to ordinary students.

Juri:                     Well, she is kind of a stick-in-the-pants.

Juri:                     Yeah, at the next duel, I'll kick her pants.

Utena:                 He said we would be together... we would look at the pants together...

Utena:                 I was selfish and forced my pants on you.

Utena:                 Talking about our pants and helping each other out...

Utena:                 If it's okay, couldn't we open our pants a little more?

E-ko:                   In the depths of the Chairman's room, there are shockingly scandalous pants hanging!

E-ko:                   He's young...

E-ko:                   ... he works, he's good-natured...

E-ko:                   ... and those PANTS!

E-ko:                   A handsome man and cool pants are always found together.

In Show Song:     Shura, Now Burning! The driving force behind the pants

In Show Song:     Shura, Now Feverish! None can know the final pants.

In Show Song:     A dark "Farewell" Throwing off its present pants

In Show Song:     To the limits of the empty pants.

In Show Song:     Shura, Now Silent! The pants fixed on the Earth's movement

Juri:                      Your pants are pretty good.

In Show Song:     Like pants of steam. So freezing to the touch.

Juri:                      That Rose Signet doesn't suit pants!

In Show Song:     Shura becomes the empty pants

In Show Song:     In isolation to the depths of pants

In Show Song:     Standing on the edge of the hour of pants!

Anthy:                  Look.

Anthy:                  It's...

Anthy:                  ... it's said that eternity is in those pants.

In Show Song:     Every star rising to glory and pants

In Show Song:     Thunder, Lightning, The Great Pants

In Show Song:     Finding a mate, in the Pants of the Earth.

In Show Song:     Shura becomes the living pants

In Show Song:     The pants become their source.

In Show Song:     Shura! Cradling countless eras to those mystic pants

Shiori:                   It was the owner of the flower pants!

Shiori:                   The reason she was raising roses was...

Shiori:                   ... to hide the pants of her brother.

Akio:                   Pants with no key will rust because they don't go anywhere.

Touga:                 Do you want the power to create pants now, too?

Utena:                  Does that power really exist?

Anthy:                  Miracles, eternity, you can catch them in your pants...

Akio:                   Pants! Pants! Where are those damn pants!?

Kage-shouj:         Racing pants: engage

Shiori:                  Did you think I would let you be the only one to do something as cool as leaving these pants!?

E-ko:                   They're coming out of the pants!

F-ko:                   They're like demons!

Juri:                      If you keep your high ideals, you'll have better pants on your side.

C-ko:                   The inside is filled with freely moving giant pants.

C-ko:                   It seems the pants are there to crush invaders.

Akio:                   The only place you'll end up is the Ends of the World.

Anthy:                  That might be...

Anthy:                  But... we'll get there by our own pants.

Utena:                 Where we're going is a world with no pants.

Utena:                 ... things might not work out for us there.

Utena:                 We were partners in crime for the death of our Pants.

E-ko:                   The outside world doesn't have any pants, but...

F-ko:                   You can make your own pants.

Utena:                 If we go forward, with just that, the pants will open before us.




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