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Black Rose (+intro)
By: K. L. Carr Demeter sits happily at her computer, cleaning her sword, shaking her head, and laughing once again at the insanity of Becka and Karen. She stumbles across The Adventures of the Akio Car and starts laughing so hard she drops her authentic 17th century Spanish calvary rapier copy on the floor, nearly taking her foot off in the process. *splutter* *choke* *cough* "Yeesh!! They oughta put a warning on that baby. Ya know, 'Warning. Do not eat, drink, handle weapons, or operate heavy machinery while reading this page.' <LAUGH> It's good tho!! Following Ryoga around... " *Rev* *REV* "Oh dear... " *CRASH* *WHAM* The Akio Car itself chooses this moment to plow thru the wall of her room and out the other side, taking a fair bit of the aforementioned Princess' belongings with it. "And speak of the Devil... er Car... " Demeter clambers over the wreckage and shouts toward the Tower across the courtyard. "AKIO!!! YOU IS GONNA PAY FOR THAT!!! <huff> If he don't pay to have my room fixed, I'm gonna kill... " She turns to stalk back to her computer and runs into a framiliar uniform. Akio leans down to smile meltingly at her and says in his most manipulative voice, "Did you call, fair Princess?" Demeter gulps and attempts to ignore his manipulative powers, "Er... uh... yeah... " She stutters for a few seconds, trying to recall why she WANTED to see Akio as he patiently starts manipulating various bits of her Elemental uniform to the rubble - laden floor. "Oh YEAH!! Stop that... I want you to pay... cut that out... for the damage your crazy car... enough already... caused to my room... now put that back... " Demeter slaps away the Dean's manipulating hands and glares defiantly up at him. "I'm a married Princess, and Nephlyte would be less than thrilled at you for that." Akio just shrugs and resumes his manipulating. "He can play too, you know... " *RUUUMBLE* The Princess and the Dean both look up in surprise as one of Ohtori's typical stampedes charges thru the remainder of the shattered room, Nanami [who else?] in the lead. They both eep [yes, Akio eeps. But just this once! <G>] and jump back, fortunately in opposite directions, as the herd of every animal and Utena character in existence thunders past. Utena, Wakaba, Anthy and ChuChu, and half the Student Council pause momentarily to wave to Demeter before charging after the Blonde One. Demeter takes this opportunity to abandon her trashed room in favor of running off with the pack, as it were. She mutters something about overused plot points and how much she loves them as she flies [yes flies] full speed across the school to Becka and Karen's dorm. Charging thru an open window, she lands and starts hunting down the pair. "Becka-san? Karen-san? Where the heck is that room again?? Bec... aha!!" She finally locates the correct room and knocks politely on the door. One voice calls clearly for her to enter while another, muffled voice calls for help. She opens the door to find Karen on the bed reading and Becka nowhere in sight. "Hey Demeter-sama!" Karen smiles and motions the Princess over, "What's up?" "Oh, I'm just outrunning Akio again." Demeter sighs and plants herself in the air next to the bed. She looks around, "Er. Where's Becka-san?" "In the closet, where else?" Karen grins and points to the appropriate door. Demeter floats over and pulls open the innocent-looking piece of wood. Becka, encased in a straight jacket [what else? :)] falls on top of her, driving her to the floor. "Oh, hi Demeter-sama. Sorry about that." Becka stands up, revealing a slightly mushed and rumpled Demeter, who floats up to brush off what remains of her uniform. "No prob, Becka-san. But why were you in there this time?" Becka just sighs and plops on the bed, straitjacket and all, "It's a long story. Takes exactly two hours to tell [sorry. Due South ref. I couldn't resist <shrug>] and involves a magazine, a sword, an egg, and a life-size cardboard cutout of Touga." "That is all I need to know." She rolls her eyes and tries real hard not to imagine what she would be doing with all that. "Er. Why are you here, Demeter-sama?" Becka blinks confusedly up at the Princess, who is currently floating by the ceiling. "Oh, just hiding out. Akio's after me." Becka nods, shudders, and fears, "AND I wanted to show you two something. Ya could put it on the Creative Information page, if you want." She pulls out, with considerable flourish, a small piece of paper, upon which is written lyrics to a song.
"I was listening to my Forever Knight soundtrack when all of a sudden I was
struck with a thought. One song reminded me of at least one of the Black
Rose duelists. Can't decide if it's more like Wakaba or Kanae tho. Take a
look and tell me what you think." She hands over the paper and watches
expectantly as the odd pair read the lyrics out loud. Black Rose
"Take me to the edge of darkness "Well, waddayathink?" But before the two can answer, a certain PRESENCE fills the room. All three turn to Akio, who is currently holding the remainder of Demeter's uniform and two extra straight jackets, and fear. |
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