Name : Alexander Harris
Nicknames : Xander, Xand
Introduced in : Welcome to the Hellmouth
Age : 18
Raised in : Sunnydale, CA
Education : Sunnydale High School
Family : unknown
Occupation : Different jobbs
Special calling : Slayerette
Love : dating Anya, broke up with Cordelia and was interested in
Buffy and Willow
Likes : minigolf, chocolate, snack foods
Dislikes : Angel, rich people, living in his parents 'basement
Personality : sarcastic, funny, devoted
Fears : clowns, nudity, Nazis
Name : Nicholas Brendon
Date of birth : April 12, 1971
Place of birth : Los Angeles, CA
Siblings : Twin brother Kelly, brothers : Christian and Kyle, mother : Kathy, father : Bob
Eyes : Hazel
Hair : brown
Height : 5'11"