28 Days Later... (2002)
Front Cover Actor
Alex Palmer Activist
Bindu De Stoppani Activist
Jukka Hiltunen Activist
David Schneider Scientist
Cillian Murphy Jim
Toby Sedgwick Infected Priest
Naomie Harris Selena
Noah Huntley Mark
Christopher Dunne Jim's Father
Emma Hitching Jim's Mother
Movie Details
Genre Sci-Fi; Horror; Thriller
Director Danny Boyle
Writer Alex Garland
Language English
Audience Rating R
Running Time 113 mins
Country Netherlands
Color Color
After a virus wipes out most of the planet, a handful of survivors try to save the human race from extinction.
Personal Details
Seen It Yes
Index 343
In Collection Yes
Product Details
Edition DVD Retail
Format DVD
Region Region 1
Release Date 2003
Nr of Disks/Tapes 1
Internet Movie Database