A.I Artificial Intelligence (2003)
Front Cover Actor
Haley Joel Osment David Swinton
Jude Law Gigolo Joe, Lover Mecha
Frances O'Connor Monica Swinton
Brendan Gleeson Lord Johnson-Johnson, Flesh Fair Owner
Sam Robards Henry Swinton, Monica's Husband
William Hurt Professor Allen Hobby, the Visionary
Jake Thomas Martin Swinton, Monica's Son
Ken Leung Syatyoo-Sama
Michael Mantell Dr. Frazier at Cryogenic Institute
Michael Berresse Stage Manager
Movie Details
Genre Drama; Sci-Fi; Fantasy
Director Steven Spielberg
Writer Ian Watson; Brian Aldiss; Steven Spielberg
Language English
Audience Rating PG-13
Running Time 146 mins
Country USA
Color Color
A highly advanced robotic boy longs to become "real" so that he can regain the love of his human mother.
Personal Details
Seen It Yes
Index 11
In Collection Yes
Product Details
Edition DVD RIP
Format DVD
Region Region 1
Release Date 2003
Nr of Disks/Tapes 1
Internet Movie Database