Despiser (2003)
Front Cover Actor
Mark Redfield Gordon Hauge
Doug Brown Carl Nimbus
Gage Sheridan Maggie Hauge
Frank Smith Fumie Tomasawa
Michael Weitz Jake Tulley
Tara Bilkins Charlie Roadtrap
Mike Cuccherini Norman
Mark Hyde Last Shadowman and Jeff the Jumper
Greg Cooper TrashBag Man
Movie Details
Genre Action; Fantasy; Horror; Sci-Fi
Director Philip J. Cook
Language English
Audience Rating R
Running Time 105 mins
Country USA
Color Color
Having just been fired and dumped by his wife, life couldn't possibly be worse for independent artist GORDON HAUGE...
Personal Details
Seen It Yes
Index 67
In Collection Yes
Product Details
Edition DVD RIP
Format DVD
Region Region 1
Release Date 2003
Nr of Disks/Tapes 1
Internet Movie Database