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Star Wars Galaxies Screenshots

Nightsister Elder vs HoB

Doing work for Vader himself

First official Meeting of the HoB on SWG, in Audria's Cantina.

Centurvian's AT-ST

HoB Imperial Headquarters

Rancor hunt on Dathomir

Cruising through Theed, Naboo on my pimpin ride.

Pictures of our City starting with a few months ago when I built the city hall, to the present day.

Visiting Sarlacc (the sand monster who eats boba fett in Return of the Jedi)

former home of Lars, uncle of Luke, gravestones out front

Jawa fortress

My first speeder

Flying over my home planet of Lok on my new Swoop bike (anakin rides this in episode 2)

Taking the Swoop for a spin over the top of an active volcano on Lok

Me, the Swoop and the bones of a giant Kimogila

I wondered what would happen if I didn't pay my vehicle maintenance.....

Me on my Dewback in our own player city named "Mos Blackrock"

Another SS of Mos Blackrock

Me and a few of my pets

Nothing like role-playing a deranged storm trooper in town. I write more tickets for unauthorized spamming/talking/laughing than any other storm trooper in the galaxy, lol.

fighting in the middle of a sandstorm

Heh, some reb is getting his ass handed to him.

Some Imperial is about to get his ass handed to him by a giant dinosaur looking thing.

Grenades always spice up the moment.

Running through enemy Territory with the crew

Hanging out with Therek(Miriya) and Harmthss(Z) at the end of a long fight.

Ceraphim, Audria and Centurvian before a great guild outing to destroy a pack of Mountain Dewbacks!!!

Our first attempt at destroying the dewbacks ends in disaster.

Audria....the last one standing

Don't one of the guys if you really must know

An ambarassing end to an embarassing quest to kill Dewbacks

Ceraphim and his trooper crew on Talus

Ceraphim chillin with Jabba and crew

Ceraphim and Hithic taking on one big ass monster

Ceraphim and Hithic having a jam session in the middle of no-where

Ceraphim's future mount..."Fred"

AT-ST at the mission station (player owned "pet")

Ceraphim and Audria waiting for a shuttle in Mos Eisley

Ceraphim and Calivan at the starport buying a ticket for the next shuttle to Mos Eisley(Cal is the little guy in front of me)

Ceraphim, Zandar(Harmthss), Miriya(Therek) and Code(Grender) taking a break at a campsite in the middle of a mission

Ceraphim, Audria and VK (my trooper) outside of the Imperial city of Bestine

Some pvp action in the middle of Bestine, some Rebel got jacked up by Imperial gunmen with grenades

Cantina, o.O's, nuff said

Ceraphim in front of his first house (you have nine lots to fill up with houses, miners or power generators, etc.)

Ceraphim and Grender with Cera's 3 Troopers (pets)

Some pets for sale in Bestine