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My ReFLeXiOnZ n otherZ...

Here r a few of my written reflections...
For some who may find these too morbid,
oh weLL! For the criticz, u will notice, that I've coined some wordz...
U don't have 2 read this...but if u decide to,
I suggest u read the quotes I've collected from everyday school life...

QUOTEZ-pot pourri

"Interpretation is the revenge of the intellect upon art"-SUSAN SONTAG
"Poetry is man's rebellion against being what he is"-JAMES BRANCH CAMPBELL
I think it only damages a poem to have the poetry try to explain it-MICHAEL OONDATJE
"A poem should not mean but be"-ARCHIBALD MACLEISH
"Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality, but, of course, only those who have personality and emotions know what it means to want to escape from these things"-T.S. ELIOT
Men who treat women as helpless and charming playthings deserve women who treat men as delightful and generous bank accounts-ANONYMOUS
~*~Admitting defeat is temporary, giving up is what makes it permanent~*~
~*~Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional~*~
~*~Sex is hereditary, if your parents never had it, chances are that you won't either~*~

As well, with each poem comes a synopsis(like)...

RHETORICAL JOURNEY=this is about a typical lifestyle i've noticed here in Toronto,
since co-op has given me a chance to experience how life will be after u earn ur diploma n such...
it's very confining, but then again, i guess it depends on which career u'd choose...

~*~Rhetorical Journey~*~

On the bus, off the bus
On the train, off the train
Trying to survive this life mundane
Up the escalator, down the escalator
Up the elevator, down the elevator
Finding myself as everybody’s traitor
Go with the flow, cogitate with nothingness,
as my soul is supported with emptiness
Neither good, neither desired,
Neither oppressed nor liberated
Your skull’s ajar,
Leaving your excoriated mind unopened nor closed
Your dessicating heart's preplexed...
Too excruciating to mend
Let’s just focus on money
It’s never gray area, just black or white
Apt to have it or don’t.

SCENT OF DEATH=I believe falling inlove is fatal...enough said

~*~Scent of Death~*~

I can smell her now, scent of death
I feel indebted, I’ve been chosen next
The grotesque comfort of death, an accolade
The gentle caress of her crimson blood
Chagrined or just being evasive?
Possessing a nocturnal voice
That leaves the seraphs antediluvian
I, am enthralled by your innocence,
Not your verbose catharsis.
I, venerate you ‘til our apotheosis.
About me, the supercilious mortals
Utter and mutter axiomatic premises
Then please don’t make pretexts,
To repel from the void.
Come with me, my neonate
Leave your unvituperatived life behind,
I am your abortive heart, your death.

VINTAGE WINTER=winter takes forever 2 leave, yet so quick to return...atleast when I composed this...

~*~Vintage Winter~*~

The abysmal winter, swiftly comes, infinitely stays,
As my vermilion blood flow through the haemophilic snow
The infallible loathing of the sun,
Synopsized the transient life of the whispering zephyr
The plethora of axioms coming ad infinitum
From the sagacity of this creature
What is this creature
That crawls at the demise of the lapis lazuli heaven
Where my tears used to water
Where my fury was used as a philter
The liquefying ice is aggrieved,
Using the infuriated swaying trees,
As a samalgundi of analgesics.
Scintillating stars,
The simulacrum of the vexing sun,
Burned and made an operture,
That victors over an exasperated fissure,
Through the vulnerability of the fatal snow.
Night twilight, day rejuvenating
betwixt, acrimonious altercation, rallies.
The melancholic moon seemed puerile,
Its neonate looks upon
The somnolent bodies afar
On the drenched ground,
The self-reproached snow asks for absolution
Exonerated by the dyspeptic yet frivolous sun.

ANCIENT NEONATE=neonate representing Demokrasya sa Pilipinas, having our former presidents(more like ERAP) as our "HERO"....we shant lose hope 4 equal power, we can't lose something we never had...

~*~Ancient Neonate~*~

Embellished corpses, paint of death
Venommed by a magniloquent hero
One after another
Bloodlust, bloodbathed, bloodshed
Hope wrung the neonate’s neck
Like a serpent coiled about a branch
Asphyxiated in the coffin of abject reign
Caused by absolute anathema
The manifested of faith askew,
Your hero, immersed by greed,
Desire to gain more control and power
Thirst for despotism
The neonate becomes baffled, unable to rise, to awake
Yearning and awaiting to be vivified.
Trust and patriarchy and such
Just to be rescued by the pernicious ideas,
Intensified by your hero
The neonate enticed,
With the effervescent candy of agony.
A gallimaufry of melodramatic wooing,
Puerile promises,
Sweetened with multicoloured masques of nirvana and shaded sorrow.
Pacifying vision, feel indebted,
For your hero’s aid, it’s now unpalpable
It’s aftermath, no one’s left culpable
Vivid vision of orgasmic and phantasmal reality
Where’s the omega if there’s no alpha
In its matrix, the neonate still hibernate
Ever will it exist...
Commence!!! She’s amiss,
I am your hero, your nemesis.
