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Wednesday, 19 January 2005
A close friend of many's mother passed away this morning...

It's news you don't expect or ever want to hear. But we know death is inevitable. And even then, nothing can prepare you for such.

I usually try to put myself in the survivor's shoes, I would be lying if I knew how it feels to go through that. Except when I dream (nightmare, rather).

I try to spend time with my parents before it's too late. Not to assume I will outlive them. Who knows, I might get hit by a bus tomorrow. Do you ever imagine how you'll die? I have. So many possibilities.

Anyway, my parents. They work at night, so when they come home, I'm usually on my way out to work. And when I have weekdays off, they're either asleep or out.

It doesn't matter how hard I deny, $$$'s everything. Because it is, we need it that's why we don't get to go out and have fun as a family. There's always the excuse 'Oh, stay home and order na lang tayo, mas mura'. Or 'Oh, stay home na lang tayo, baka gipit sa oras may work pa mamaya'. How many times have I heard that before? It's really fine with me whether we go out, or if we just stay home, as long as we're all together. But that only lasts for 2 hours. Maybe I should be grateful for those hours. Perhaps I should just stop whining. Do you think I'm whining?

On weekends, my Dad, he goes out, doing God knows what. My Mom, in her spare time, goes out and does her duty to the Filipino community. My sister & I, we go out with friends.

Some people don't understand why I'd rather stay home than go out on weekends. Or why I find it hard to spend time with my boyfriend's family. Now you know why. Find a common ground for me, because I can't find the part where I can compromise.

Sulatin ni Joy at 12:01 AM EST
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