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Friday, 15 October 2004

Wow, 2 yrs later? Almost exactly too. How coincidental. 2 years, oh so much has happened. But I'll just start from today :o) Tonight, after work, went to Bayani's pad for a UKPC meeting. Yes we're revamping the organization, for the better of course! Then, went to Kathy's birthday bash, Hotel Boutique, not bad, I liked the muzak. Then went to Korean BBQ, but they were closing when we got there, ended up at Perfect with Mike, Kuya Gil, Pamz, Ging, Phil & Flo. Got home around 3am. BRRR!

Sulatin ni Joy at 12:01 AM EDT
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Thursday, 14 October 2004

Yes, I have been on hiatus from my pages for 2 freakin' years. Thanx 2 my boss's holiday vacation, I now have a bit of time to tend my pages. Unfortunately for me, and some of my readers/stalkers, I cannot log on my 'pinayvampire' yahoo account. So please, please disregard some informations affiliated with that account until I find a way to recover my password.

In the past 2 years, I found a job I love. Sure it doesn't pay too well, but it gets me by, and I work with great people.

Also, in the past 2 years, we've lost loved ones, such as BamBam, we'll miss u baby. Also, Christopher Reeve, he was, is still my favourite, actor. May they rest in peace.

In the past 2 years, I've learned a lot about relationships too. I've learned, not to let guyz get in the way of my dreams heheheh! So to my new found friends, I'm not as cold as u think I am. I'm just recovering from all the mistakes I made in the past. But really, what matters now is that
I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK nyahahahahahahahah!

Sulatin ni Joy at 12:01 AM EDT
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Saturday, 19 October 2002

Stayed in bed all day (literally)...Got smacked in the ass by my mom for replying "Coz I'm Dead" to the kid...*sighz* ...Mark dropped by...almost midnight...

SUNDAY: Red Dragon w/ Sherwin

MONDAY: Laird and Eglinton

TUESDAY: Jobhunting

WEDNESDAY: Maan...shut out


FRIDAY: stayed home

SATURDAY: can't stop thinking 'bout him :( ....Kalesa w/ him later..saw an AA member...didn't know 'til the next day...*sighz*

SUNDAY: lost trust in a close friend...BayView, Canvassing..

MONDAY: stayed home, more reason 4 mother 2 stay on my case...fuck!!! Still have this heavy cloud of sorrow hovering around...some girl said i have plastic tits..hahahahah...

Sulatin ni Joy at 12:01 AM EDT
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Friday, 18 October 2002

Rhea and I went to Eaton's Centre, the weather was pretty nice. Bought some stuff. Rhea stayed there with me until around 5. Then ran into Kakay. Decided to stay there coz I haven't seen her in a while, since Rhea had to jet anyway. We were walking and I became oblivious to my surroundings(as usual). Then somebody called out my name. It was my ex boyfriend. I never expected to see him (ever). Rumours had it he left for Philippines to get married and have a family. Hmmm, he denied all allegations and asked for my digits, which I gave. Had coffee the same night, had closure(?). I also saw Liv and Luis that night @ Eaton's Centre. Waited for Merja and left with Liv.

Sulatin ni Joy at 12:01 AM EDT
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