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Sunday, 17 October 2004

Finally, Korean BBQ with parents :o) So full heheheh. Oh yeah, saw Day After Tomorrow. It was oray.


Sulatin ni Joy at 12:01 AM EDT
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Saturday, 16 October 2004

Went to the Novo Ecijanos Gala, pricey but fun. Yan Yon once again, rocked the hall. We headed to Twister afterwards, even more fun heheheh. Got home around 4am.

Sulatin ni Joy at 12:01 AM EDT
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Friday, 15 October 2004

Wow, 2 yrs later? Almost exactly too. How coincidental. 2 years, oh so much has happened. But I'll just start from today :o) Tonight, after work, went to Bayani's pad for a UKPC meeting. Yes we're revamping the organization, for the better of course! Then, went to Kathy's birthday bash, Hotel Boutique, not bad, I liked the muzak. Then went to Korean BBQ, but they were closing when we got there, ended up at Perfect with Mike, Kuya Gil, Pamz, Ging, Phil & Flo. Got home around 3am. BRRR!

Sulatin ni Joy at 12:01 AM EDT
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Thursday, 14 October 2004

Yes, I have been on hiatus from my pages for 2 freakin' years. Thanx 2 my boss's holiday vacation, I now have a bit of time to tend my pages. Unfortunately for me, and some of my readers/stalkers, I cannot log on my 'pinayvampire' yahoo account. So please, please disregard some informations affiliated with that account until I find a way to recover my password.

In the past 2 years, I found a job I love. Sure it doesn't pay too well, but it gets me by, and I work with great people.

Also, in the past 2 years, we've lost loved ones, such as BamBam, we'll miss u baby. Also, Christopher Reeve, he was, is still my favourite, actor. May they rest in peace.

In the past 2 years, I've learned a lot about relationships too. I've learned, not to let guyz get in the way of my dreams heheheh! So to my new found friends, I'm not as cold as u think I am. I'm just recovering from all the mistakes I made in the past. But really, what matters now is that
I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK nyahahahahahahahah!

Sulatin ni Joy at 12:01 AM EDT
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Saturday, 19 October 2002

Stayed in bed all day (literally)...Got smacked in the ass by my mom for replying "Coz I'm Dead" to the kid...*sighz* ...Mark dropped by...almost midnight...

SUNDAY: Red Dragon w/ Sherwin

MONDAY: Laird and Eglinton

TUESDAY: Jobhunting

WEDNESDAY: Maan...shut out


FRIDAY: stayed home

SATURDAY: can't stop thinking 'bout him :( ....Kalesa w/ him later..saw an AA member...didn't know 'til the next day...*sighz*

SUNDAY: lost trust in a close friend...BayView, Canvassing..

MONDAY: stayed home, more reason 4 mother 2 stay on my case...fuck!!! Still have this heavy cloud of sorrow hovering around...some girl said i have plastic tits..hahahahah...

Sulatin ni Joy at 12:01 AM EDT
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