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Friday, 13 January 2006
UPDATE Kunwareh.
Mood:  smelly
Eto pala iba kong blogs k'ze d ko naman 'to mashado na uupdate. My Friendster Blog My FilCa Blog

Sulatin ni Joy at 11:37 AM EST
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Friday, 25 March 2005
Do you have it? I don't.

I just finished watching Alfie, the remake.

Usually, the only kind of movies that can make me cry are movies with dogs (or anything furry) in them. But this one made my eyes watery. I can relate to Alfie as a womanizer. I was a 'manizer'. Although not all the guys I was with were good to me, unlike the women he dated.

I don't know what happens to him in the end. Whether he'll die alone. I don't think so. He'll find someone like I did.

But what we both don't have right now, is peace of mind.

Sulatin ni Joy at 9:05 PM EST
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Wednesday, 23 March 2005
Some day this word will make sense.

It was in my dream last night.

In my dream, it was my job to save humans from Death. Somehow I knew when and how they're suppose to die.

I only remember one scene now. At the crowded beach, there were a couple splashing gayly...=P I hate describing things.

Something happens and everybody panicks. Boy says to the girl 'Where are you going?'...Girl says 'Let's get out of here!'...Boy says 'Ok' like every boy should say.

'Wait, let me get something...' BOOM! Thunder hits water and he dies instantly.

Fuck off, it's a dream, anything can happen in dreams.

The moral of the story is, always listen to girls or else you die.

Sulatin ni Joy at 12:01 AM EST
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Wednesday, 16 March 2005
Some girls spend their fortune on make-up.
Some girls love colourful clothing.
Some girls love to be surrounded with boys.

I'm not some girls.
I don't like bright colours.
They hurt my eyes.

I don't like ALL boys.

I'm not flowing with evanescent styles so I can be liked.
I don't want cursory attention.
I don't want to be noticed and be approached by people I do not know.

All can admire or condemn me from afar.

Don't ask why I'm like this because I have no answer.
I am what I am just like you are what you are.
And if I can't change myself, nobody else can.
If you don't like it, there's always the choice of fucking off.
No such word as compromise here.

I am a ball of angry energy.
Anger fuels me.
I bet that's what you're thinking.
You don't know me so once again, fuck off.

I LOVE laughing!!!
I'm an offspring of the Jolly Green Giant.

BWAHAHAHAHAH!!! My laughter is LOUD.

I'm a salmagundi.
I'm a contradiction to a contradiction to a contradiction.
I'm mentally ductile.
From morose to blithe.
Perky would be the last word to describe me.

Oooh another window to Joy's quintessence.

***Title from PNE's Sampip

Sulatin ni Joy at 12:01 AM EST
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Sunday, 6 March 2005
If you fart & burp at the same time, will you implode?
That's not really the topic of the day.

I want to talk about homophobia. I know it's not news. It just pisses me off how judgmental people can get. I can be judgmental but I keep it to myself and I still try not to discriminate. I think everyone should be treated equally as long as no one gets hurt.

Whenever my older sister's sexual orientation comes up in conversations, I'd get questions such as:

a) Does she come on to you?

***Urgh! First of all, homosexuals aren't necessarily incestuous.

b) Are you gay too?
***Homosexuality, as far as I know, isn't contagious.

c) Is she ok with you divulging that kind of info?
***Why not?

I'm not surprised to find out my Sister's an Atheist. At least she knows homosexuality's not accepted in Catholicism or any other religion for that matter. But my Mom constantly reminds her God loves her. Yeah, but dogmatics dont. Why do fanatics think they're much better than everybody else? It's not like they follow the Bible from cover to cover. There are heterosexuals who are much worse than homosexuals. Fanatics are in no place to judge people who are not 'normal'. If you want to talk Biblish, here's one verse "Let the one without sin cast the first stone" None of us are perfect. I know what they're going to say, we don't claim to be perfect. No, but they act like it. Like they're closer to God than everyone else. A person should not be condemned for their sexuality. Everyone should be treated equally.

I don't say anything to Catholic people, even if I don't like that particular denomination. Because I believe people have the right to practice what they want, as long as they dont hurt anyone.

Let me tell you why Catholicism's not one of my favourites. When the Spaniards came to invade Philippines, they wanted everyone to be Catholic. When the Americans came to 'rescue' Philippines, they wanted everyone to be Catholic. According to the CIA, Philippines is 83% Roman Catholic. Why are some people so fuckin' proud of it? Take note, I said SOME. According to former US President William McKinley, America's mission was 'to take them all and to educate the Filipinos, and uplift and civilize and Christianize them. Some of you may say 'But they're just doing what they thought was right back then'. I strongly disagree, they could've 'helped' without massacring thousands of Filipinos. If I knew how Philippines became a Christian nation, I wouldn't stay Catholic, unless I truely feel it's the right religion for me, not because 'we were invaded by Spaniards so I just don't bother to change it'. I used to be one. Like most people who were born in Philippines, I went to Catholic school up until we left. Not to say my denominations better than Catholicism. But I understand and agree with my religion's beliefs better than I do with Catholicism. I'm still a Christian.

I don't reply to gay related threads anymore, just because I think it's pointless to 'debate' with fanatics. They've already made up their (closed) mind.

I say just live and fuck off.

Sulatin ni Joy at 12:01 AM EST
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