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Family Friends

Loyal friends to The Corleone Family

The Leone Family

I first joined the Leone Family under the rule or Don Joey Leone. I got in by providing a service to one of thier members, Mr. Assassin-GTA3. After a while the family broke up. Everyone went thier seperate ways. A little while later KEVIN started up the Family buisness again. By that time I had just recruited my second member. I refused but we have stayed in close contact. Don KEVIN retired and left the Family to Salvedor Leone.

Love Media

I first met Lesfleanut on March 27th. We met to plan the humiliation of gta3Freak. He had betrayed both of our gangs and we wanted revenge. we got it. we have been allies ever since.

Mafia inc.

I never had direct contact with them but I do respect them. Some of thier members have been disrespectful to us in the past and we have to them but nothing that wasn't cleared up and forgotten. We have put a patch over that hole and plan to do buisness in the future.

The Miller Family

This gang leader I met most recently. His name is the Don JM. I know little about his gang because they are on a different forum.

The Russian Mafia This is also a new gang. We will have a bright future I am hoping. Although I only know The Leader I have a great respect for them.

The Scorpian Gang We have recently become allies. We have made a contract allowing them passage through our airport in exchange for thier help in an attack.

The Southside Hoods I have also come to know thier leader Obrian97. I also issued a contract with them stating that they protect us and we protect them. The contract also states that in an attack where all land of one of the gangs is taken over that each gang is allowed to take refuge in eachother's turf.

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