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Luigi Cavatore

Assassin of the Corleone Family

Luigi Cavatore is an assassin of the Corleone Family. He was honorably and officialy recruited into the Corleone Family mafia on March 7th, 2002.

The first time got into anything really illegal was when i was on my honeymoon in New York with my wife Rozaline. We were riding in our black Lincoln when these 2 men in suits (witch I later found out where members of the Leone Family Mafia lead by Don Joey Leone). They pulled our Cheufer out of the car and started chasing after this yellow '75 Mustang with "Cobraz" written on the side. When we got close enough the men started shooting at the car, and the people in the Mustang started returning fire. The Mafia's Driver got hit, and I was ordered to get in the front and drive. I knew that if I didn't drive, the Mafia would shoot me. My wife was still all right until a bullet hit her in the arm, and I was surprised that the Mafia guy who was not wounded went into the back of the car and gave her a field dressing with a piece of his shirt. A Police car started chasing us and the Cobraz decided it would be a good idea to chuck a grenade at the Police car, in his stupidity the person who leaned his hand out of the window and chucked the pin and not the grenade. The Don, Joey Leone, gave me an offer to join the Mafia, or he would kill both me and my wife. Naturally I decided to join the Mafia I sent my wife back to Italy for a couple of weeks. A week later I was shocked to find found out that she had been shot by a Cobraz assassin... Known only as "Wolfhound". Two years later, the Leone Mafia had broken up so I did a few Bank jobs to keep me occupied. On the 7th of March 2002, I met another Don. His name was Vido Corleone; he offered me the chance to join his new gang. At first, I thought it would be a bad idea, but I found out that I would be his head assassin. Sooner or later, I decided to join it. One of these days... I will hunt down Wolfhound and make him pay for the death of my wife...

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