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These are the moves and remember you can only have 4 moves to start with. You cannot have moves with *s by them when you first start,you'll need special training to learn these moves.

  • Energy Blast: regular energy blast. (2,500 HP/100 KI/VIT Cost:2)
  • Punch/Kick: a regular punch or kick. (500 HP/00 KI/VIT Cost:1)
  • *Fire Tornado: A stronger version of the fire spin blast. (75,000 HP/7,500 KI/VIT Cost:15)
  • Upper Cut: an upper cut. (5,000 HP/250 KI/VIT Cost:5)
  • *Buu Absorbtion: buu surrounds enemy paralyzes for 2 turns and absorbs hp, if not buu use hands. (Absorbs 100,000 HP/Recover 75,000 HP/10,000 KI/VIT Cost:10)
  • *Gatling Gun: Lv3 laser attack.(lasts for 5 turns/1st=5,000 HP/2nd=7,500/3rd=10,000 HP/4th=12,500 HP/5th=15,000 HP/10,000 KI/VIT Cost:25)
  • *Vegeta's Sacrifice:Huge dome like energy sourounds user. (1,000,000 to self/50,000,000HP/250,000KI/VIT Cost:50)
  • *Fusion Dance: same effect as potarra earings. (5,000 KI/VIT Cost:0)
  • *Permanent Fusion: fuse with a dying person(someone leaving the rpg/how to fuse is under pottara earings in items/1,000,000 KI/VIT Cost:0)
  • Kamehameha: shoots a blue beam,famous move used by goku.(5,000 HP,500 KI,VIT Cost:5)
  • Bukujutsu: flying ability.(+ 2,000 to speed, guess db coordinates twice a week/VIT Cost:0)
  • Burning Punch/Kick: a fiery punch/kick.(750 HP, 100 KI/VIT Cost:1)
  • Solar Flare: Tiens move to emit an extremely bright flash from the sun(s).(blinds opponent 2 turns,2 times a battle,200 KI/VIT Cost:3)
  • Eye Lasers: lasers emit from eyes.(1,000 HP,150 KI/VIT Cost:3)
  • Dragon Punch/Kick: ferocious punch/kick.(1000 HP,200 KI/VIT Cost:2)
  • Majin Power-Up: (double stats and become evil in battle,once per battle)
  • *Dragon Kamikazee Attack: beam that takes the shape of a fiery dragon.(20,000 HP,5,000 KI/VIT Cost:10)
  • Destructo Disc: krillin's special attack that can cut a rock in 2. (7,500 HP,750 KI/VIT Cost:5)
  • *Tri-Beam: One of tien's attacks where he puts his hands in triangle and lets out a blast 3 times. (50,000 HP/7,500 KI/VIT Cost:7)
  • *Focused Tri-Beam: revision of the tri-beam.(350,000 HP/50,000 KI/VIT Cost:20)
  • *Great Tri-Beam: revision of the focused tri-beam. (3,000,000 HP/200,000 KI/VIT Cost:40)
  • *Ultimate Tri-Beam: revision of the great tri-beam. (30,000,000 HP/500,000 KI/VIT Cost:60)
  • *Mega Tri-Beam: revisioin of the ultra tri-beam. (300,000,000 HP/1,000,000 KI/VIT Cost:75)
  • *Spirit Bomb: A pure energy ball. (SPRx10,if good SPRx20,250,000 KI/VIT Cost:75)
  • Teleport punch/kick: catches enemy off gaurd. (2,000 HP/500 KI/undodgeable/VIT Cost:5)
  • *Kaio-Ken(x2-x10): An extreme power up. (EX:your pl=10,000 and you use x10 in battle,now your pl is=100,000/this does effect PL so if you use it and you have enough to go to the next level or transformation you can but only during that battle/VIT Cost:70)
  • Dragon Flying Kick: a flying dragon style kick. (1,000 HP/50 KI/VIT Cost:3)
  • 360 Kick: a round house kick. (2,000/100 KI/VIT Cost:4)
  • Crushing Heel Drop: crush opponent with a heel drop. (5,000 HP/200 KI/VIT Cost:6)
  • *Final Flash: A powerful Beam. (20,000 HP/5,000 KI/VIT Cost:20)
  • Burning Sword: You need a sword. (5,000 HP/250 KI/VIT Cost:5)
  • *Infinite Cannon: You need a gun. (50,000 HP/5,000 KI/VIT Cost:30)
  • Kakusandan: shoot beams into the sky then they rain ki bolts on the enemy. (8,000 HP/1,000 KI/VIT Cost:6)
  • Rapid Shot: Need a gun. (20,000 HP/2,500 KI/VIT Cost:20)
  • *Apocolypse: an attack as strong as the apocolypse but doesn't destroy all things. (1,000,000,000,000 HP/1,000,000 KI/once per battle/100,000 HP to self/VIT Cost:100)
  • Chou Kamehameha: revision of the kamehameha. (x1=10,000 HP/1,000 KI,x2=20,000 HP/2,000 KI,x3=30,000 HP/3,000 KI,x4=40,000 HP/4,000 KI,x5=50,000 HP/5,000 KI/VIT Cost:x1=7,x2=14,x3=21,x4=28,x5=35)
  • Air Blade: Need a sword. (7,500 HP/750 KI/VIT Cost:6)
  • Energy Missile: Need a gun. (3,000 HP/150 KI/VIT Cost:5)
  • *Shadow Blade: Need a sword. (45,000 HP/5,000 KI/VIT Cost:25)