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Greetings to all!
Would you like a lovely award for your site?
Then you've come to the right place!
Below are awards that I have (hopefully more coming soon)
Feel free to apply for one of them, or all of them, just so long as your site meets the following:

Must be a family and child safe site....NO EXCEPTIONS!!
For the Fae award, you must show your love for fae. Whether it be in a few words, your whole site, or just a page or two.
Signing my guestbook and providing a link back are appreciated, but not required.
Must be more than just links. Make your site nice with content.
No Bandwidth stealing. It's not nice.
Show your personality. Show what you believe in, and stand by it.
For the Golden Candle award, have a page or two about a topic that you believe in, such as stopping child abuse, against violence, fight the fear (religious racism), etc.
For the Moonstruck award, I must have left your page learning something new.

That about sums it up. So if you would like to apply, email me with the following:

~Site Name:
~Site URL:
~Award(s) applying for:
~Reason why your site deserves this award?:
**NOTE: For the Friends Forever award, also provide your friends name and email address, and one will be sent to each of you (if you pick #2)**

After recieving your application, I should get back to you within two days. (If you apply on a Friday, I might not get back to you until Monday or Tuesday)

Now on to the sample awards!!


You can email me using the link button below.