
Welcome to my new site layout! I've hated my last one since before I even uploaded it so finally I've made a new one to replace it! This is about my 4th attempt, I think it looks a bit more professional although I'm still not sure about the colour scheme.. I cbf changing it now so this will have to do for the moment..

The purpose of this site is to a) practice web design! b) distribute a few things I've made and c) advertise and support programs, games, services and sites I use and recommend.

To the left you can find links to the rest of the site and to the right, links to other sites.. This site is best viewed at 1024x768 in Internet Explorer 5+ maximized - oh, and dont use the largest text size - it looks naff :P

I think that's about it.. enjoy your stay and feel free to come back anytime :-)
