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Ver.2 Mod Digits

Welcome to my mod digits page.

Here are the last 8 lines of the pso ver.2 mod code.

  • 1B04DB53 - (Stays the same)
  • 00000000 - Mod line 1
  • 1B14DB53 - (Stays the same)
  • 00000000 - Mod line 2
  • 1B24Db53 - (Stays the same)
  • 00000000 - Mod line 3
  • 1B34DB53 - (Stays the same)
  • 00000000 - Mod line 4

    So here is the 4 lines u need to mod.

  • 00000000 - % = Photon % modifier = (line 1)
  • %%**%%** - * = Phonton area mofifier = (line 2)
  • %%**@@@@ - @ = Misc. abilities = (line 3)
  • GG?????? - G = Grinder amount = (line 4)

    Here is a link to cmgsccc for (??????) mod digits.

    Here are The (%) percent modifier digits.

  • 05 = 5%
  • 0A = 10%
  • 0F = 15%
  • 14 = 20%
  • 19 = 25%
  • 1E = 30%
  • 23 = 35%
  • 28 = 40%
  • 2D = 45%
  • 32 = 50%
  • 38 = 55%
  • 3C = 60%
  • 3F = 157% (banned)

    Here are the (*) photon area mod digits.

  • 01 = Native
  • 02 = A beast
  • 03 = Machine
  • 04 = Dark
  • 05 = Hit

    Here are the (@) misc. mod digits.

  • FD00 = Black weapons (note u need god equip to use)
  • 0080 = Special weapon (untekked)

    Here are the (G) grind mod digits.

  • 00 = +0
  • 63 = +99
  • FF = +255 (banned)

    Here is what the mod code would look like for a weapon with 60% Machine, 60% Dark, 60% Hit, and also plus 99.

  • 00000000
  • 3C033C04
  • 3C050000
  • 63??????

    Here is what the mod code would look like for a weapon with 180% Dark and also plus 99.

  • 00000000
  • 3C043C04
  • 3C040000
  • 63??????

    Here is how to make 4 slot armors and shields with +84 evp. and dpf.

  • 00000000
  • 00000054
  • 00540@00 - Change (@) to 4 for 4 slot armour.
  • 00?????? - Or a 1 for shields

    Here are (@) misc. mod digits for elements.

  • 0000 - Nothing
  • 0001 - Draw
  • 0002 - Drain
  • 0003 - Fill
  • 0004 - Gush
  • 0005 - Heart
  • 0006 - Mind
  • 0007 - Soul
  • 0008 - Geist
  • 0009 - Masters
  • 000A - Lords
  • 000B - Kings
  • 000C - Charge
  • 000D - Spirit
  • 000E - Berserk
  • 000F - Ice
  • 0010 - Frost
  • 0011 - Freeze
  • 0012 - Blizzard
  • 0013 - Bind
  • 0014 - Hold
  • 0015 - Seize
  • 0016 - Arrest
  • 0017 - Heat
  • 0018 - Fire
  • 0019 - Flame
  • 001A - Burning
  • 001B - Shock
  • 001C - Thunder
  • 001D - Storm
  • 001E - Tempest
  • 001F - Dim
  • 0020 - Shadow
  • 0021 - Dark
  • 0022 - Hell
  • 0023 - Panic
  • 0024 - Riot
  • 0025 - Havoc
  • 0026 - Chaos
  • 0027 - Devils
  • 0028 - Demons

    Here is Tech Modding.

  • 00000000 - (Stays the same)
  • 00000000 - (Stays the same)
  • 000000TT - TT = Tech type
  • 00LL0000 - LL = Tech level

    Here are (TT) tech type mod digits.

  • 00 - Foie
  • 01 - Gifoie
  • 02 - Rafoie
  • 03 - Barta
  • 04 - Gibarta
  • 05 - Rabarta
  • 06 - Zonde
  • 07 - Gizonde
  • 08 - Razonde
  • 09 - Grants
  • 0A - Deband
  • 0B - Jellen
  • 0C - Zalure
  • 0D - Shifta
  • 0E - Ryuker
  • 0F - Resta
  • 10 - Anti
  • 11 - Reverser
  • 12 - Megid

    Here are (LL) tech level mod digits.

  • 00 - Level 1
  • 01 - Level 2
  • 02 - Level 3
  • 03 - Level 4
  • 04 - Level 5
  • 05 - Level 6
  • 06 - Level 7
  • 07 - Level 8
  • 08 - Level 9
  • 09 - Level 10
  • 0A - Level 11
  • 0B - Level 12
  • 0C - Level 13
  • 0D - Lavel 14
  • 0E - Level 15
  • 0F - Level 16
  • 10 - Level 17
  • 11 - Level 18
  • 12 - Level 19
  • 13 - Level 20
  • 14 - Level 21
  • 15 - Level 22
  • 16 - Level 23
  • 17 - Level 24
  • 18 - Level 25
  • 19 - Level 26
  • 1A - Level 27
  • 1B - Level 28
  • 1C - Level 29
  • 1D - Level 30

    Here are some challenge rank mod digits.

  • Here are some s-rank weapon naming mod digits.

  • Here are some battle rank mod digits.

  • Here are class and section id mod digits.

  • Here are mag modding digits.

  • Here are some HP mod digits.

  • Here are some NPC skins character mod digits.

  • Here are some experience per battle mod digits.

  • Here are some Level mod digits.

  • Here are some super stats mod digits.

  • I hope u like my moding page, anyways ill have the rest up soon!
    PSO Version 2 Item Mod Information ------------------------------------ ITEM MOD DIGITS ORIGINALLY POSTED BY GABGAB Hi! My name's GabGab and I would like some help on the Item Modifier Code! First, let's go to the last 8 lines of the ITEM Mod code... 1404D086 (JP version - different for USA / EU v2) 00000000 <- For MAG use only? 1414D086 (JP version - different for USA / EU v2) xxyyxxyy <- S-Rank Name OR Photon % Modifier 1424D086 (JP version - different for USA / EU v2) xxyywwww <- S-Rank Name OR Photon % Modifier and ??? Modifier 1434D086 (JP version - different for USA / EU v2) zz?????? <- Grind Digits, Item Digits where... (for weapons) ??????: Item Modifier -Enter Digits from ITEM Mod list here. zz: Item Grind Modifier -Values 00-63(0-99) are legit, but can go to FF(255) xx: Photon % Modifier -legit values: -05=5% -0A=10% -0F=15% -14=20% -19=25% -1E=30% -23=35% -28=40% -2D=45% -32=50% -37=55% -3C=60% yy: Photon Area Modifier -01=Native -02=A.Beast -03=Machine -04=Dark -05=Hit wwww: ??? Modifier -0080 changes weapon to ?SPECIAL WEAPON state / changes S-Rank weapon's name color to cyan -0400 produces 4 slot in armors -00xx modifies which technique disc will be produced if Technique Disc is in Item Modifier Digits. (ex. 00=Foie, 01=Gifoie) (Individiual Elements are detailed below under ELEMENT MODDING -- Tony) other points: for the line which people say are for MAGs only... 00000000 if changed to 807800c8 produce a MAG with 120% synchro and 200 IQ so that must mean 80xx00yy will produce xx% synchro and yy IQ Thanks, Gab Gab ------------------------------------ WEAPONS <><><><><><><><><><> 60% AND 180% WEAPONS There is a 180% example posted by meddy - here it is: 00000000 3C043C04 3C040000 63?????? (These are the lines of 0's, by the way). Now, this is 180% for one area (dark - ruins)... to change the area, switch the '04's to: -01=Native -02=A.Beast -03=Machine -04=Dark -05=Hit The 63 part (before the ?'s) gives it a grind of 99.... don't go above of course, because anything over 99 is banned... if you don't want a grind, change the 63 to 00. The ?'s are where the digits for the item goes... Of course, 180% weapons may become banned.... if you're paranoid like me, I wouldn't use them. For 60% weps, try this : 00000000 3C023C03 3C040000 63?????? This will give a 60% wep in Beast, Machine and Dark.... To change the areas, change the '02', '03' and '04' parts to : -01=Native -02=A.Beast -03=Machine -04=Dark -05=Hit To change the %s, change the '3C' parts to : -05=5% -0A=10% -0F=15% -14=20% -19=25% -1E=30% -23=35% -28=40% -2D=45% -32=50% -37=55% -3C=60% And again, theres the 99 grind... change the '63' to '00' if you don't want a grind... <><><><><><><><><><> SRANK NAMING 1B04DB53 (USA version - different for JP / EU v2) 00000000 1B14DB53 (USA version - different for JP / EU v2) 00000000 <-- 1B24DB53 (USA version - different for JP / EU v2) 00000000 <-- 1B34DB53 (USA version - different for JP / EU v2) 00?????? The indicated lines of 0's are were the Hexadecimal code for the name goes... To get the hex for the name, use Flex's excellent program - (download the rank edit program). Or, if you don't want to download the program use this (thanks to meddy) - With those lines completed, simply add the SRANK weapon digits in the last line of 0's. <><><><><><><><><><> ELEMENT MODDING ORIGINALLY POSTED BY NEI Weapon's 00000000 - 1stline AABBCCDD - 2ndline EEFFGGHH - 3rdline II000000 - 4thline AA, CC, EE: %'s (3C=60%) BB, DD, FF: Attribute (01=Native, 02=A Beast,03=Machine, 04=Dark, 05=hit) GG: For Ver.1 HH: Element II: Grind, 63=+99 Element List 00 Nothing 01 Draw 02 Drain 03 Fill 04 Gush 05 Heart 06 Mind 07 Soul 08 Geist 09 Master's 0A Lord's 0B King's 0C Charge 0D Spirit 0E Berserk 0F Ice 10 Frost 11 Freeze 12 Blizzard 13 Bind 14 Hold 15 Seize 16 Arrest 17 Heat 18 Fire 19 Flame 1A Burning 1B Shock 1C Thunder 1D Storm 1E Tempest 1F Dim 20 Shadow 21 Dark 22 Hell 23 Panic 24 Riot 25 Havoc 26 Chaos 27 Devil's 28 Demon's <><><><><><><><><><> BLACK WEAPONS DISCOVERED BY MEDDY The black weapon 'part' of the code is the XX - 00000000 00000000 0000XX00 00?????? My theory is that the XX part of the code has no real use - by placing '89' or any value above that in the code, you are in fact combining an invalid weapon (the 89 part (this is why 89 or above is chosen, as 88 or below are actual weapons (88 being SRANK J-cutter, 87 being SRANK J-blade etc))), and a normal weapon (in the ?????? part)... So, placing an 89 in the XX part will give the invalid weapon with the form of the ?????? weapon... so, if you put the digits for a double saber type weapon in the ??????, it'll be a black double saber... From my experience, it doesn't seem to work for unique weapons.. (one that don't have any other forms - for example, double sabers have stag cutlerys, twin brands etc, so it'll work for them, but the spread needle has only one form.. so it doesn't work)... when I tried it with a spread needle, the item in slot one just disappeared... Also, you'll need Godequip to use the weapon and they could be banned at any time.. ------------------------------------ ARMOURS, SHIELDS AND UNITS <><><><><><><><><><> ARMOUR / SHIELDS ORIGINALLY POSTED BY MEDDY here Armor 4 slot use in item mod 4 slot armor w/ +84 dfp and +84 evp 00000000 00000054 00540400 00xxxxxx -armor sheild +84 dfp and +84 evp 00000000 00000054 00540000 00xxxxxx-sheild <><><><><><><><><> ++ UNITS ORIGINALLY POSTED BY MEDDY / NAVISCORE 00000000 00000000 00080000 00?????? ------------------------------------ TECHNIQUES <><><><><><><><><><> TECH MODDING ORIGINALLY POSTED BY SUPREME D|V|NE techs for dummys (im not calling u dummys) __________________________________________________ __ 00000000 00000000 000000XX <--XX:Tech Type 00**0203 <-- **: Tech Lvl XX 00 Foie 01 Gifoie 02 Rafoie 03 Barta 04 Gibarta 05 Rabarta 06 Zonde 07 Gizonde 08 Razonde 09 Grants 0A Deband 0B Jellen 0C Zalure 0D Shifta 0E Ryuker 0F Resta 10 Anti 11 Reverser 12 Megid ** 0=LEV 1 1= " 2 2= " 3 3= " 4 4= " 5 5= " 6 6= " 7 7= " 8 8= " 9 9= " 10 A= " 11 B= " 12 C= " 13 D= " 14 E= " 15 _________________ FORCES F= " 16 10= 17 11= 18 12= 19 13= 20 14= 21 15= 22 16= 23 17= 24 18= 25 19= 26 1A= 27 1B= 28 1C= 29 1D= 30 *example* Megid Lvl. 30 00000000 00000000 00000012 001D0203 ------------------------------------ MAGS <><><><><><><><><><> MAG MODDING Here is Nausicaa's Mag Modding program, just uploaded onto different webspace. ORIGINALLY POSTED BY SINBON All credit goes to pai for making this. For some reason it wouldnt post for her so I am posting it. i did not make any of this... __________________________________________________ Going to list how to fully customize your mags. It's very easy to do and not impossible like some have claimed it to be. 80XX00YY <---- XX = Synchro (78 = 120%) YY = IQ (C8 = 200) ZZZZTTTT <---- Z = MIND, T = DEX VVVVKKKK <---- V = POW (Value + 8000) K = DEF (Value = 8000) $$##???? <---- $ = PBs, ## Mag Lv (C8 = 200) ? = Mag you want Same Values: 0 = 0063 (8063 for POW/DEF) 25 = 09C4 (89C4 for POW/DEF) 50 = 1288 (9288 for POW/DEF) 75 = 1D4C (9D4C for POW/DEF) 100 = 2773 (A773 for POW/DEF) 125 = 30D4 (B0D4 for POW/DEF) 150 = 3A98 (BA98 for POW/DEF) 175 = 445C (C45C for POW/DEF) 200 = 4E20 (CE20 for POW/DEF) The only part of mag modding that actually require anywork is the PBs. They are pretty simple to get the HEX too. Thanks to Baru posting the post about PBs awhile ago. You need a HEX calculator to do this. Photon Blast Table ------------------------ 0 - Farlla 1 - Estlla 2 - Golla 3 - Pilla 4 - Leilla 5 - Mylla&Youlla 6 - \ "Freeze Mags" - note that 7 - / these don't freeze v2 players Use the table above to pick blasts for the center and right positions. There is no limit for these blasts, the only problem is the left one which is limited. Multiply the Right blast of your choice by 8 and add the center blast of your choice. This forms a temporary number which will be called XX. The left blast is the weird one. Only 4 choices are available, and which 4 are available is determined by the Middle and Right blasts. Write this table: 0 - Farlla 1 - Estlla 2 - Golla 3 - Pilla 4 - Leilla 5 - Mylla&Youlla Now, cross off the two blasts you chose for Middle and Right, *even if you don't have one there*. If they are the same, just cross it off once, and if one is Megid/Grants, ignore it. Say you chose Middle = Estlla and Right = Grants. This is the resulting table (notice how the numbers have changed): 0 - Farlla 1 - Golla 2 - Pilla 3 - Leilla Mylla and Youlla is deleted because only the first 4 choices are available. Multiply your chosen Left blast by 64 and add it to XX. XX, in hex, is now the first 2 digits of the 4th line. Any combination of 3 differing, valid (no Megid/Grants) PB's is possible. Impossible Left choices are only introduced when the Middle and Right choices duplicate, or one/both of them is Megid or Grants. Also, it is never possible for the Left blast to be the same as either the Middle or Right blast. Mag List: 0002 - Mag 0102 - Varuna 0202 - Mitra 0302 - Surya 0402 - Vayu 0502 - Varaha 0602 - Kama 0702 - Ushasu 0802 - Apsaras 0902 - Kumara 0A02 - Kaitabha 0B02 - Tapas 0C02 - Bhirava 0D02 - Kalki 0E02 - Rudra 0F02 - Marutah 1002 - Yaksa 1102 - Sita 1202 - Garuda 1302 - Nandin 1402 - Ashvinau 1502 - Ribhava 1602 - Soma 1702 - Ila 1802 - Durga 1902 - Vritra 1A02 - Namuci 1B02 - Sumba 1C02 - Naga 1D02 - Pitri 1E02 - Kabanda 1F02 - Ravana 2002 - Marica 2102 - Soniti 2202 - Preta 2302 - Andhaka 2402 - Bana 2502 - Naraka 2602 - Madhu 2702 - Churel 2802 - RoboChao 2902 - Opa-Opa 2A02 - Pian 2B02 - Chao 2C02 - CHU CHU 2D02 - KAPU KAPU 2E02 - ANGEL'S WING 2F02 - DEVIL'S WING 3002 - ELENOR (BANNED) 3102 - MARK3 3202 - MASTER SYSTEM 3302 - GENESIS 3402 - SEGA SATURN 3502 - DREAMCAST 3602 - HAMBURGER 3702 - PANZER'S TAIL 3802 - DAVIL'S TAIL (BANNED)