Organically Grown (hehe)

So, these are my friends, well, some of them. I dont have pictures of a lot of them(and you fuckers should fork 'em over!).

Jacki,Jacki,Jacki......oh the trouble that we have caused, and the havoc we have reaked! I would definately do it again.

Dio! You are an odd one, thats for sure. Good times my brotha! I still wanna saw your legs off and give you prostetic ones made out of pogo sticks.(Thats one of me biggest dreams!)

Manda, Panda, call her what you will,she's still a freak,and she is still my sister.

This is Cindy. She has magic. I love this woman.

Pearl,Earl,Abigail Blerch! This is Jason(Earl Blerch). God, I dont even know where to begin! LOL!!!

Well, on top is Natalie, middle is me, and bottom is Trinity. These two girls are trouble! Watch out for them! Haha, well, they arent bad trouble, fun trouble is more of a better term. I miss them so very much.My two Western Sisters.

Toni & Renee @ the Chilli Party. We were all so........................drunk.Yup, that about sums it up.

Carl!!!!!You are such a sexy bitch! Oh,I could just eat you, and do naughty naughty things to you! But you would like that to much, so I wont.

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