
~Poisoned Me~

Bleed the bitch, fuck the whore. Mother knows best from hind sight. I know you, know me lies. That powder, hmmmm........In the trees, my skin was torn,, bleeding broken,alive, so alive, between my thighs, drip, drip, die......The fury, the Fear, love, flying, bitch, you're trying, trying. Your hands, could never make this bitch bleed, my light is for eternity....

Fuck it

Fuck it

Fuck it

Deep inside, reach in, twist, pull, eat it, this is the darkset light You will ever see. Be free.....

~Pandora Box?~

Occupying Pandora, a hard chore, when you don't know where your leather went.Well, my little girl, Leather has better things to do.For tears, that break love down, like water means the world. In any case, she'll lie about it all, but, let it go, go to void, if there was one, it certainly is here. And Pandora knows, I am gonna open her box...

~Shadow Dance~

Wither flower

Slower, Darker

For you

Wither animal

Full moons fall

And in the distance

A mind far gone

Will dance.....

~Broken Hunger~

Crash child, fall to the floor, Grandma don't hurt you, when you are a crowd.Instantaneous flutters around,bare naked, I'm falling down. Butterflies run, take cover for now. I'm still a caterpillar, crawling around.Brick walls don't stop, or people named Chris. But when I'm in hunger, I won't make it quick.

~Band-Aid Boy Dream~

Hi, Band-Aid Boy,how is your sky?Fallen from mind. Garbage bag dreams, is heart here? I think so, scary, Darling Moon, like haunted houses, on the deep rivine.

And I see you, clearer than I have seen myself. We are falling far from this place. And I have heard you cry deeper in this race, than little girls with scabbed knees...I think it's lovely.

Hey, Band-Aid Boy, cover me? With bandaged hands, they try to feel, what to feel? When she's with you, and he's with me. I know, I can't let go of the things , I am scared that I may never see in you.

Hey, Band-Aid Boy, I want to love you in the deep rivine. (how deep is deep when he's in me)

~Another Day in Spokane~

Broken down, queit, Shhhh.....

And I

Feel it too......

Upstairs, the broken stares, of every individual, who could never possibly know

And you Know

Down the road, bus station blues, waiting for the schizophrenic ride.Just for fun.

And I feel it too......

The darkness of bewilderment.Do you think you know,begin to see, begin to hear, smell the sights,like cooking dope in your bathroom?That all to familiar sight, it still unsettles the nerves, puts you in lingo,and you know it just keeps repeating.

~Peace between my peice~

Severed lips, darling bliss, broken knees, I begged you please, forget who I am, whne the air is to much to breath, I'll never need me again.....

Calm rage, in another day, save me sane, brighten eyes, spread thighs, never pure, till now. Don't let it fade....

~Friends of Hand~

Ya did good, now Hand is looking for friends,lovers, a paradigm to get lost in. Just for the thrill, and a one night stand, isn't it so lonely, sometimes, being the only one without skin.

~Look Silently Down~

Forgive me, for profound realizations,my eyes can only witness so much beauty in one night. Divine, in the air,falling aura-like,dust, from your finger tips. And I, seeing the dancing, paper cuts, shooting stars,knowing in the cold, everything may be winter, but, he really is that tall.

~Lying In Me~

She's hiding again, in the veritcal lines, doing what she is best at, doesn't involve lying on her back, in your bed, I felt so good, maybe she is dead.....

Today, we ate peanut butter and jelly, just to feel innocent again, and maybe if the world were tinted blue, I could have loved you...

In a world that she calls her own, that everyone loves to invade, killing the nearest target, would mean killing you.Now, I am not about your instituions, or lack of love in the world, but Goddess help us, cuz we have failed to deliver the good.

And now we carry guns, just to feel holy again, if the world were tinted blue, I could have loved you, if you wanted me to.


Brown eyes

They speak nothing

And when our memories

Can't comfort

(we're left)

We were so wild!

And world sized

would you forget

It was fun

For the while

But.......He speaks nothing to simple


I kept knocking, but they wouldn't let me in. Eventually, it added up, who was who, and who was him. Broken in parts, known to begin. The impotent creatures we have become within...

My Needle

Needle in arm, scar, drugs in blood, blood in drugs. Where'd she go, gone. One more beat, high.Where did she go? Couldn't tell you. Just one more day left here, gotta find what I lost, gotta find what I threw away, clean up the mess. The scraps of me.
