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Green Blankets, Cherry Coke, Bubble Baths, by Dizzy

Fan Fiction
Table Of Contents

Chapter 1~How It All Started


“What the hell?” 5:36, the red numbers blazed in the darkness. “Whyyyy?” She thought to herself. “I’ve been here for three months and he still sings in the shower at god-awful hours.” She really shouldn’t have been complaining, she knew it. But for Christ’s sake…..Roy Orbison at 5:30 in the morning?

She remembered two years back, she was a junior in high school and heavy into acting. She would act out anything anywhere. Calissa had been a pretty normal teen, most of the time. She hated cheerleaders, like anyone of her other friends. She didn’t look a thing like anyone else in her school. All of the girls in her school had too much eye makeup, all the brunettes had blonde highlights and all the blondes had brunette lowlights. Callie was short and thin. This made it hard to find clothes because anything that fit in the waist was way too long. She was only 5’1. She had large blue eyes framed by long blonde lashes. Her hair was indescribable. Really, it was a fluffy sheet of gold that cascaded down her back. She hated it. She was very pale, which made her eyes and lips stick out even more. Splashes of blue and red against a white background. She worried about grades, what she was doing the next Friday night and her friends’ problems. She was just her quirky little self. She had only had one boyfriend, but she wished there was another. She wanted a serious relationship. There was one thing that everyone used to laugh at her about though. She had an odd obsession for Elijah Wood. But it was different from other peoples’ obsessions. She didn’t find him overly attractive, nor did she think he was the best actor. She wouldn’t hang up pictures of him in her locker and she didn’t write him fan mail every week. Instead, she read articles, interviews. She watched his movies and basically, she just wanted to find out who he was. What he was like. Well, now she knew.

“What the hell ‘Lij? You have nowhere to be today and I need my sleep! I have a test and two auditions today! You knew that!!!” She was yelling down the hall from to the bathroom from her doorway. She saw a be-towelled figure walk into the hallway.

“I am so sorry! I didn’t think you could hear me!” He looked apologetic, but that was not a good enough excuse for her.

“Uh huh, whatever. I wanna brush my teeth, are you gonna be done soon?”

“Why don’t you just go back to sleep? Your first class isn’t until nine and I was gonna make breakfast!”

“I can’t go back to sleep when I’m up and who is it this time?” He never made breakfast unless a girl was over.

“Who’s who?!?!! I’m offended that you would even suggest such a thing! I was going to make you a good-luck-on-your-auditions breakfast. Can’t a guy even try to be nice around here?” Callie looked at him suspiciously. He hadn’t had a girl over for at least a month. Somethin was up, because goodness knows it was easy enough to get anyone to fall for him.

“Fine. And thank you. I’m sorry I yelled, but you really should have picked some better music if you’re going to sing in the shower. Not that I don’t like “Pretty Woman”, but I was thinking more along the lines of some Blues Traveler?” He gave her the puppy dog face. She liked to think that she was immune to those blue eyes, but they got her everytime.

“Alright, you. Go away and fix some breakfast. Take your time though, I’m taking a bubble bath!” She pulled her raspberry bubble bath gel from the cabinet and popped Counting Crows into the CD player.

“Ooooo, can I come?” She laughed at him, then put on a serious face.

“Get your ass in the kitchen and fix me a meal!!” She said it in a mock- threatening voice. Much like you would expect someone who hit their wife to yell at her.

They had been living together for three months and already they were best friends. They could talk and joke about anything without a hint of awkwardness. She heard pots and pans banging down the hall as she sank into the bubbly water. She was immediately taken back to when she told everyone what she had planned to do….