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Green Blankets, Cherry Coke, Bubble Baths, by Dizzy

Fan Fiction

Chapter 10 ~ Oscar Invites

The next few days passed rather uneventfully. Calissa found out that Orlando was truly a kind, caring, gentle person. Orlando discovered that he liked Calissa even more than he had previously. Everyone pretty much followed Calissa’s rules. One time Billy and Dom were rehearsing a rather noisy song from their play while she was trying to study for an exam, and she completely went off on them. Not even Elijah had seen her yell that much, everyone was pretty much subdued into silence. Dominic had attempted to lighten the mood after her rants by putting on his best sarcastic teenage girl voice. “Well excuuuuuuse me!” Billy started to chuckle, but they both cowed under the glare they found themselves subjected to. Another time, Orlando made a lifelong enemy by stepping on her cat’s tail. Other than that, everything was pretty much normal.

On one of those lazy lounging days, Calissa got an unexpected call, seeing as all of her calls were unexpected, from her best friend back home. Eva had chosen to go to art school at NYU, but when she found she had “creative differences” with 90% of her instructors, she dropped out and decided to become a full-fledged struggling artist. Evie, as Cal had always called her, called two days before the boys had to leave. She was informing Calissa that she was moving to L.A., but only for two months at the most, so you couldn’t really consider it moving there. She was in love with New York, there was no way she would actually permanently move. But she explained that she felt it necessary to see other parts of her country, and what better way to do it than to bug your best friend in the process?

“Hey Elijah, that was Eva. She’s comin to L.A. for a while. We are going to have so much fun.” She walked out on the patio, because it was obvious that he hadn’t heard a word she’d said. He was helping Billy and Dominic with their script. She stood, looking at the night sky once again. She had a passion for the night, she honestly didn’t know why either. She felt a presence behind her on the balcony. Orlando stood behind her, hands in his pockets, looking at her looking at the sky.


“Hey.” They stood that way for no less that fifteen more minutes. Finally, he was able to choke out what he had come there to say.

“Hey Callie, you know how the Oscars are coming up? Well, I, uh, wanted to know, if perhaps, I dunno, maybe you’d, I dunno, like to come with me? Like, well, um, like a date?” He finally managed to say it. He had finally asked her on a date. Go Orlando!!

“Oh you know I’d love to!” but the look in her face told him something else.

“But what?”

“But those are the night after Evie’s coming in and I promised I would spend all of my spare time with her. I don’t want to leave her alone on her second night here.” So she did want to go, right? He looked down at his shoes, confused as hell.

“Well, um, Elijah doesn’t have a date yet, maybe she could go with him?” He looked up hopefully.

“You know what, maybe she could. I’ll go ask him.” She rushed into the living room, where she came to a dead stop at the sight in front of her. Billy was standing there, holding a potted plant that had a sheet of paper taped to it. On the paper was printed the word: badger. Dom stood in the middle of the room, in what appeared to be a tutu and a tiara…holding the container of honey. Elijah held the script in his hand, giving them what she assumed to be “constructive criticism”.

“This sucks guys. I mean, it’s funny and all, but Dom, if you’re gonna be a princess, you have to BE a princess…I mean come on!” She just doubled up with laughter.

“Elij-..ah..” She managed to gasp out his name between gales of hysteria. It caught his attention and he pulled Dominic out of his rather awkward position between the ‘badger’ and honey.

“Yeah, what do you need?”

“Well, do you have a date for the Oscars yet?” His heart jumped. Was she? Could she possible? Surely she wasn’t?

“Ah, no. Um, why?”

“Well, I was gonna be Orlando’s date, but Eva’s going to be here. I know Hannah would come if she could, but you’ve already asked her, and your mom is already coming. And I know it’s not your way to just go out and pick up a girl just so that you have an arm-ornament at some awards ceremony. So I was wondering if you would mind horribly, taking Evie?” His heart sank. Orlando? But he saw how much this meant to her.

“Sure Cal. Sure.” She sensed that something was wrong, but he was too good, after years of practice, at hiding his emotions.

“Oh thank you so much, thank you thank you thank you!!” Orlando stood in the corner again, that same quirky smile painted on his face. Calissa kissed Elijah a million and one times on the face and flung her arms around his neck. She was so excited: Eva was coming, she was going to the Oscars, she was going to the Oscars with Orlando, and she had a sneak preview at what was going to happen in Billy and Dominic’s play. Even though something told her she really didn’t want to know.