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Green Blankets, Cherry Coke, Bubble Baths, by Dizzy

Fan Fiction

Chapter 11 ~ Sirius’s Chapter

Calissa found it surprisingly hard to say goodbye to Orlando when it came time for he and the other two to leave. She hadn’t realized how attached she was to him. She even found herself repeating the same words in her mind: “He’ll be back in a few weeks, he’ll be back in a few weeks.” Over and over again, she forced that one sentence to run through her brain.

Orlando also found it hard to say goodbye, but, unlike Callie, he was not surprised by it. He knew how he felt for her. Apparently it was obvious, as Dominic had confronted him a few days earlier about the entire situation. After he asked her to the Oscars, and Dom was free of rehearsal duties, they talked long into the night about many different things. Orlando’s feelings for Calissa had been one of them.

“I don’t know what I feel Dom. And I know she can’t possibly feel the same way. We’re just friends to her, but I don’t want that. I don’t think I could stand being ‘just friends’. I mean, what am I supposed to do? Ask her to move in with me? Ask her to move to London?” Dominic hadn’t answered that question, merely changed the subject, and Orlando didn’t push him. They continued to talk for a few more hours, until her cat evicted them from the couch. Sirius had it in for him, it was obvious. Step on his tail just once…

So here she was, at home, alone, pretending to study. Elijah was out somewhere; she didn’t know where as he hadn’t been home when she had gotten back from her last class of the day. She assumed he wouldn’t be gone for long because lately he had gotten into the habit of writing little notes where she would find them if it turned out that he would be gone. Seeing as there was no note on the phone, no telltale slip of paper on the computer screen, she assumed he had gone out for groceries or something of the sort. She realized that she was missing something…blanket…book…? CHERRY COKE!! She made a mad dash to the fridge, and there, sitting on a new six-pack, was a note.

Hey Cal,

I met up with some friends today at the interviews. They’re only going to be in town for tonight, so I went out to have some drinks with them. Don’t wait up, I don’t know how long I’ll be. Also, don’t forget that Eva is coming in tomorrow. I’m sorry but I won’t be able to go to the airport with you, and to my knowledge you still need a dress. Make it a girl’s day out!!



Smart place to put it. But how on earth could he even begin to believe that she forgot that Eva was coming in the next day? And as for the dress, well, she hadn’t exactly told Evie what they were doing while she was there, so it was going to be a bit of a surprise. Not necessarily a nice one either, Eva despised Hollywood, and everything about the acting profession. Calissa shuddered at the thought of having to tell her best friend what she had set her up for. ‘Dammit Callie,’ she thought to herself, ‘what the hell have you put yourself into? Dumbass.’ She decided not to beat herself up over it, and crawled into bed to the smooth sounds of early Dave Matthews Band.

The next morning dawned rainy, a rarity in the Los Angeles area, and it lifted Calissa’s spirits somehow. She thought that Eva would not be at home without the rain. Which reminded her, she had an hour and a half to get to the airport. True to his word, Elijah had come late and left early, she had seen neither hide nor hair of him since the morning before. She showered and got dressed, taking her time. Grabbing a pop tart, she made her way to the airport. She stood waiting at the gate, playing with her hair and the clasp on her watch. A slow smile crept over her face.

“Hello Eva.” She remained calm, even though this was her best friend that she hadn’t seen in forever and a day. Eva walked up in her black flowing skirt and dark purple top, Celtic cross resting on her chest. Her black hair brushed her shoulders, black eyes surrounded and enlargened by too much eye make up.

“Hey Cal. Goddamn, what has this city done to you? Oh wait, you were too perky before you left. My bad.” Callie couldn’t hold it in any longer; she jumped Eva in her excitement, almost knocking her to the floor. The people around them smiled and thought to themselves: ‘Odd couple, oh well. At least they’re happy.’ They weren’t a couple, but they were certainly happy. Calissa hadn’t realized how much she had missed Evie. Ever since middle school, they had been there for each other, and Eva certainly knew things about Callie, things she had done, and thought, that no one else would have even considered. They made their way to the baggage claim, Calissa chattering away like a squirrel, Eva nodding every once in a while and even speaking on occasion. This was their way, odd, but they loved it. After picking up all of her art supplies and the rest of her clothing, they made their way to the car and back to the apartment.

“So. Who is this egotistical freak that you’re living with again?”

“Oh shut up. He’s not egotistical, nor is he a freak. Pot calling kettle black if you ask me. Anyway. He’s Elijah Wood and he’s very caring and sweet and you sure as hell better like him because you have to go on a date with him.” She hadn’t thought about breaking the news to her exactly that way, but hey, whatever works.

“Caring. Sweet. What the fuck?” She said this all slowly and in the same tone of voice, not angry, just matter-of-fact like.

“Yeah. I know, I’m sorry. But it was the only thing I could do.” She then explained the whole Orlando-Oscars-Elijah thing.

“Well fuck Cal. You owe me. Big time. What the hell am I supposed to wear? Who cares, I’ll wear this. Back to the flower dude. How much do you like him?”

“I know I owe you. I don’t care what you wear, but I’m going shopping for a dress right now and I suggest you do the same, or else we’ll leave your ass at home. You’d end up going out of the apartment for coffee, getting lost in the streets of Los Angeles and raped by some psycho.”

“Yeah that’s great. How much do you like him?” She never let Callie change the subject, not when it was important at least.

“A lot. I don’t know. A lot.” She began to grow uncomfortable and turned on the radio to fill the void.

“Uh huh. Do you love him?” She penetrated Callie’s deep blue orbs with her own black ones. Her tone remained the same. Matter-of-fact.

“Well shit Eve. I’ve only known him for what, a few days? A week at the most?” She knew that this was a stupid question as Eva undeniably believe in love at first sight.

“Doesn’t matter and you know it. Do you love him?” She could sit there all day and not lose her patience. Asking the same question…over and over.

“Maybe. I don’t know.” She was finally allowed to drop the subject.

Shopping was fun, as it always was between two best friends. Their styles collided and ended up influencing the other’s choice of dress. Eva ended up picking a red (color choice by Calissa, Eva wanted black) dress. It had zirconium straps across the back, went to the floor, had a thigh-length slit and spaghetti straps. She complained that it cost too much and showed WAY too much skin, but Calissa wouldn’t have it. Cal herself ended up in a figure-fitting asymmetrical black number. It had what silver-stitched flames up the right side, which went all the way to the floor. The left side, which ended at her knee, had the head of what appeared to be a silver phoenix rising from the flames. They were the same size in everything, so they both tried on all the same dresses. (for comparison purposes of course.) On the way home, Eve brought up the topic of Orlando again, much to Calissa’s discomfort.

“Do you love him? Maybe won’t cut it this time.”