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Green Blankets, Cherry Coke, Bubble Baths, by Dizzy

Fan Fiction

Chapter 13 ~ Yes, That’s My Intestine

The next day went by in a blur of actions. Orlando’s suit got screwed up on the trip, so he had to buy another one. Everyone dreads his sense of style, so Elijah ended up taking him shopping. They had fun trying on all the crap that Orlando was seriously thinking about wearing. The girls weren’t good for anything; they spent the entire day getting ready. That’s right! ALL day!! It finally came time when they were ready to emerge from Calissa’s room and show themselves to the public. They stood, Eva’s hand on the door, observing each other. Something was not quite right…

They did it again. They did this every time they went to a formal dance of any kind. Slipping out of their dresses, they traded outfits, shoes, purses and all. They even switched earrings. Ok, NOW they were ready to leave. They shuffled out and were quickly ushered into a limousine by Elijah and Orlando, who had been sitting around waiting for at least an hour. During the ride, Eva remained her normal self, constantly quipping at Elijah, and occasionally Orlando. But when the limousine pulled to a stop outside the Kodak theater and the Red Carpet was before them, one reproachful look from Callie and she knew what she had to do. As soon as her black-satin-shoed foot hit the ground, she was transformed. She became graceful, sociable and kind, fading into the background when necessary and only talking when she was asked a direct question. Elijah had fleeting thoughts of how she could be a really great person, then he laid eyes on the astonishing Calissa, bedecked in red.

The ceremony was great, and everyone saw Elijah and Orlando’s eyes tearing up when the clips from Lord of The Rings: Fellowship of the Ring were played. They were quite disappointed at losing the Best Picture and Best Director awards, but ecstatic all the same at receiving four awards. The ceremonies ended and they made their way to the Vanity Fair after-party.

They drank, they danced and generally had fun. Eva, intuitive being that she is, knew that something would happen that night. Whether it was good or bad, she did not know, but she did know that something would happen. And it did. She was standing close to Elijah, had been all evening. It was almost like she was on an invisible leash, but she hardly talked. She was taking everything in, trying to remember all the sights in front of her. They were back in the corner when she heard it.

“Calissa, I love you. You know that, right?” She knew what was coming next; she waited, holding her breath.

“Yes, and I love you.” She sighed, there it was, and caught her breath again as she heard something that she neither expected nor was meant to hear.

“Cal, will you move to London with me? I’m positive you can get into Guildhall, and you can stay and act there, with me.” Ah shit. She was not hearing this, she was not hearing this.

“Orlando, I-I…I don’t know. I have to think, you have to give me time to think.” Good girl, smart girl, she has listened to me. Eva’s thoughts were racing through her mind.

“I know, I know you need time. Take as much as you need, just know that I love you.” It hit her, if she was hearing this, then Elijah must be hearing it as well. Fuckle…She turned to her date, who had been alongside her, listening all the while. He would not believe it, he could not. No, not Calissa, don’t take Calissa away from me. That was all that he could think about. Eva watched in astonishment as he grabbed the closest smashed female to him and started kissing her with all his might. The only explanation she could think of was that he was trying to forget about Calissa.

“Horny little bastard, aren’t ya?” The old Eva had returned, she was no actress and she refused to keep up the arm-decoration act in such a dire situation. Elijah ignored her, talking to her would only end up as talking about Calissa and Orlando.

“Yes dear, those little noises she’s making? She’s begging for air.” He moved away from her, still not breaking the kiss. Whoever he was kissing neither knew nor cared what was going on.

“That thing you’re tickling with your tongue? That’s her small intestine.” She refused to give up, following him. He finally extracted his tongue from the young lady and pushed her away from him.

“What the hell do you want Satan?” He had taken to calling Eva Satan, and now he just did it out of habit.

“I know you heard what I just heard, and I know you don’t like it. Your feelings for Calissa are as transparent as the melting swan in the middle of the room. You love her and you know it, only you’ve been too afraid to confront her with it because you didn’t know if she felt the same way. Now you’re afraid of losing her to Orlando, which you’ve already done a nice job of, smooth move. The only way to work it out and get her to stay is to talk to her, to tell her how you feel. Maybe you should tell Orlando as well. I don’t care what you do just as long as Calissa doesn’t get hurt, do it gingerly, whatever you end up doing. Hear me?” her voice became threatening and it was obvious to see that Eva was quite protective of Calissa.

“Yeah, fine. Whatever you say, can’t argue with the devil.” It was his lame attempt at some amount of normalcy. The truth was he could not believe what was going on.

The party finally ended and they made their way back to the apartment complex. Calissa and Orlando were dangerously close to each other, missing no cuddling opportunity whatsoever. Eva looked out the window and thought her silent, private thoughts to herself. Elijah just didn’t know where to look. He didn’t want to look out the window, he didn’t want to look at Satan, he most of all didn’t want to look at Orlando and Callie. He decided on looking at his feet.

When they got back to the apartment, Eva had a hushed discussion with Callie in her room, of which I will not speak here. Elijah and Orlando made straight for bed and Eva slipped out quietly half an hour later. It was two in the morning and Calissa, as only Calissa will, decided that it was time for a bubble bath.