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Green Blankets, Cherry Coke, Bubble Baths, by Dizzy

Fan Fiction

Chapter 14 ~ The Inevitable Bathroom Talk

She sank into the water gratefully, hoping that this would do something to calm her nerves and help her make a decision. The smoke from her incense and candles burned inside her chest, but it was a pleasant and familiar sensation. The CD player was turned down low so as not to wake any of the other members of the house. The soft glow of the candles was the only light, the overhead light being to harsh for her semi-relaxed-yet-confused mood. What was she going to do? Should she move in with Orlando? What about the movie? What about Elijah?

Elijah heard the gentle splash of someone entering a bath. He rose from his bed, knowing he would not be able to sleep until he talked about this, and what better time than now?

Calissa ignored the click of the door opening and shutting. It was Elijah, she knew. She lay there with her hair tied back, her feet propped up on the side of the tub, the bubbles up to her chin. Her eyes remained closed until she heard him mutter under his breath, "Jesus, he asks you to move in and already you’re listening to wedding songs." The crescendos of Pachelbel’s Canon in D was coming through the speaker. Her tone was reproachful when she finally deemed it necessary to speak.

"Classical music helps me think. So the first song is Canon in D, so the hell what? And how did you know he asked me to move in with him?" She watched him as he sank against the wall, one eyebrow arched. He sighed as he finally settled down on the floor.

"I overheard your conversation tonight. I don’t think you should go." She became angry, justifiably.

"You were eavesdropping?!" Her voice had risen at this new infringement of personal rights.

"Guys, it’s about damn time you had this conversation, I’m happy, but if you don’t keep it down, Snore-Boy’s gonna wake up." Eva’s tired voice floated through the vent in the ceiling. Elijah whispered, if somewhat fiercely, when he spoke.

"I was not eavesdropping! I overheard. And I repeat, I don’t think you should go." He looked at her, his eyes betraying his thoughts. He managed to keep his voice even, but she could see the pleading in his eyes. She was cautious when she spoke.

"Why not? I can act there just as well as I can here." She assumed that he didn’t want her to go because he was thinking of her career, of how hard it was to get here, and now she was going to leave after not even a year?

"Because, I-..ah...Well I-," he faltered, he could not say it. She became irritated again.

"Spit it out Elijah."

"Because I love you." It came as a rush and she almost didn’t understand it, until she replayed it a few times in her head. She drew her feet under the bubbles and brought her hands to her face, looking amazingly like a small child.

"Why did you wait until now to tell me?" The small child motif was gone, replaced by an indignant young woman. There was no questioning his love, for fear that questioning would prove it to be untrue. Instead, she wanted to know why he withheld this all-important information until the moment that it could hurt her the most.

"Because I didn’t know if you felt the same way. I still wouldn’t have told you if it weren’t for Eva." His tone was that of resigned defeat.

"Go." It was not a question, not a request. It was not the pleading of a small child or the anger of the young woman. It was the command of a queen-like figure, her power irrefutable. It was devoid of emotion, but had an underlying cold that surprised even Calissa. He left without a word. She sat for another hour in the warmth of the water, until the CD played itself out. Finally emerging, she went to the living room and opened a window. She planned on staying in the living room as she was not yet comfortable with sleeping with Orlando. She sat next to the window, still trying desperately to organize her thoughts and makes some sense of the world around her. She failed, miserably. Finally, after realizing she was freezing and that increasingly large drops of rain were coming through the window, she tried to shut it.

"Fuck." It was sticking. A sudden peal of thunder frightened her to the couch, not half a foot away from the window. The rain would hit her face or feet if she stayed there. Another frightening roll of thunder came crashing down. She gathered her blanket around her and padded to the back of the house. She opened the door with as little noise as possible, but he was waiting for her. He moved to the right side of the bed, pulling the covers back as he went. She sank gratefully onto the soft mattress. Elijah put his arm around her, but she did not move away. She felt it was more brotherly and platonic than an act of his newly professed love. Finally, she gained some peace of mind.