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Green Blankets, Cherry Coke, Bubble Baths, by Dizzy

Fan Fiction

Chapter 17 ~ Calissa’s Choice

“Oh my god.” Elijah sat there, his face completely blank. Eva waited for some reaction. Surely he had to do something. Perhaps he would yell, jump around; anything was better than this nondescript expression. “Oh my god.” Perhaps not.

“Elijah?” She didn’t know what made her do it, but in a surprisingly tender moment, Eva pulled him into her arms, and held him close. They sat there on her sofa, rocking back and forth for what seemed like an eternity.


“And you’re absolutely positive that this is what you want to do?” It had to have been the fifth time Orlando had asked the same question. Calissa gave an exasperated sigh; this was not the response she had been expecting.

“For the last time, yes. If you keep asking me, I might just change my mind.” She thought he would be happy, she had decided to move to London with him. Surely he wasn’t having second thoughts about his rash invitation? All thoughts along those lines were run out of her mind as she was pulled into a bone-crushing embrace. She returned it with all of her might. Orlando suddenly let go of her and went running through the house screaming at the top of his lungs: “Calissa Thibodeaux loves me!! She’s coming home with me!! I’m the luckiest man in the world!!” Calissa chuckled to herself and slipped quietly out the door, she had to tell Eva that she had finally done it.


Elijah had finally pulled himself from Eva’s arms, and to her surprise, his eyes were dry. That’s all there was to it. Without words, they decided that it would be best for him to stay in her apartment for a little while, the damage had been done, after all. He pulled his knees up to his chest and sat on the corner of the sofa, staring at the art all around him. He may have been looking at it all, but his mind was elsewhere, somewhere that no one else could go. Sensing her opportunity, Eva pulled out her pad and charcoal. She was halfway through her sketch when they heard Orlando bouncing around downstairs. She glanced quickly at Elijah, he hadn’t moved, except for the fact that his face had gotten somewhat more morose. She went back to her sketch, modifying the facial expression with a few more lines and shadows…They both heard the soft knock on the door. Eva gently put aside her work and went to answer it in the same fashion she had answered it when Elijah had come in.

“Evie, Evie, I did it. I told Orlando that I was going to London with him. Eve, I’m so excited, but I’m also a little scared. And a little sad,” She added the last part reluctantly. Eva’s eyes darted to Elijah, still crouched on the sofa, he could hear them, but made no move to get up.

“Cal, I’m happy for you, can we talk about this later?” Calissa didn’t notice Eva’s request, and if she did, she didn’t care. She continued to talk, not knowing that Elijah could hear every word she said.

“Eve, I don’t know how to tell Elijah. I struggled with this for so long, and even now, I’m not sure I made the right decision. I mean, how do I know? Elijah was the first, that’s for sure, but he never moved on it, so maybe his feelings aren’t really that strong. I’m sure he’ll get over me…” She trailed off as Elijah appeared next to Eva, pulling the door open. Calissa could not see the artwork, he was careful of that, she could only see the two of them.

“Calissa,” his voice was low and even, he stared her straight in the eye, “I told you already, I love you. My feelings are as strong as they’re going to get. Go to London with Orlando, be happy. If you are happy, then so will I be.” He moved back into the darkness of the apartment, leaving Calissa staring helplessly at Eva.

“This wasn’t supposed to happen. That’s not the way it was supposed to go.” A hot tear rolled down her cheek as she stared at her solemn friend. She brushed it away quickly and began to speak again.

“Evie, I wanted to stay with you while you were here in Los Angeles, but I’m beginning to think maybe it would be better for me to go with Orlando when he leaves. Better for Elijah, actually.”

“Yes, that would be best. I’ll be fine mommy, I’m a big girl now.” Eva will always be Eva, even in moments of sadness. Calissa went back downstairs to rejoice with Orlando, who had hardly noticed that she had left. He was still running around the apartment, screaming until he was hoarse. Eva retreated into her apartment, lit three more incense and a few more candles, and went to her title canvas. She had a lot to do with it…

The next few days went by in a flurry of packing. Elijah spent a lot of his spare time up in Eva’s apartment, and she didn’t object. She had almost exhausted her supply of canvasses, but saved a few of every size. Finally, the day came when they were ready to leave. Eva had her camera ready, strapped across her neck. They went through the airport almost silently, Callie and Orlando in the front, Eva and Elijah trailing them. The goodbyes were very emotional. Empty promises were made, tears were wiped away, hugs and kisses were passed around to everyone.

And so, it would seem, ends the short saga of Calissa and Elijah. But, when they go back to the apartment, Elijah notices a small blank space on Eva’s master-canvas…