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Green Blankets, Cherry Coke, Bubble Bath, by Dizzy

Fan Fiction

Chapter 3 – Why Can’t I Be Hot?

Callie pulled the carton of orange juice from the refrigerator. Elijah was still staring blankly at the place where she had just been standing. “’Lij, the French toast is burning.”


“’Lij!” She snapped him from his reverie.

“Huh? What? Oh shit!” There went three pieces of bread, up in flames. It took him another half an hour before he could make a decent sized meal. Callie had just been sitting patiently with her favorite green chenille blanket. It had been a gift from her mother and whenever she was sitting down at home, it was always draped across her shoulders.

“Are you doing anything tonight?” Elijah asked tentatively as he set the food on the table.

“I knew it! I knew there had to be a catch! What do you want me to do?” She sighed. He probably needed her to leave him alone at the house (for a date) all night. Either that or stay at the house all night to make sure that he actually got in when he came home.

“Why do you always think there’s a catch involved? No catch. The whole crew, Sean, Billy, Dom and Orlando are in town for a week or two. I wanted to see if you wanted to go to a party with us.”

“Orlando Bloom? He’s hot.” She remarked offhandedly

“Oh my god! Why does everyone say that!” Elijah was obviously pissed off at her remark.

“Because he is?” offered Callie.

“Yeah, but it’s like, everyone likes me until Orli shows up. Or Josh Hartnett for that matter. Am I not ‘hot’?”

“Do you want me to be brutally honest or sugar-coat it?”

“Be honest.”

“Alright, Orlando is hot. So is Josh. I’m talking dead sexy. You’re cute. You’re adorable, boyish, pretty, if you will.”

“Oh.” He looked dejected. Calissa immediately felt sorry for what she had said.

“I’m sorry. Adorable’s good! Honest!” Then she tried to change the subject. “In answer to your question, no, I can’t go out tonight. Plus, you guys haven’t seen each other in a while, you’re gonna want a guys night out, right? Sorry, I’ll go next time. Promise.” At that moment, the phone rang. Elijah jumped up to answer it.

“Hello? Hey Orli!” Callie waited patiently while he was on the phone. Finally, he hung up.

“Ok, change of plans. Orli and Dom rented a condo in Florida. They want to stay there for half a week. Is that alright with you?

Damn! Thought Callie to herself.

“Yeah, that’s fine with me…pretty boy.” She added the last part teasingly. He put on a mock-hurt face.

“Below the belt!” and walked out the door.

Callie spent the rest of the day going to her classes. She took her test and felt pretty confident about it. She only guessed on half………

One of the auditions went rather well. She was very proud of herself actually. The other one, well, it was from her last agent whom she had recently cut all connections with. She walked in, they told her to take off her shirt, she walked out yelling all sorts of obscenities for all to hear.