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Green Blankets, Cherry Coke, Bubble Baths, by Dizzy

Fan Fiction

Chapter 5 – My Blanket!

Calissa tried to catch a few more hours of sleep, but after about twenty minutes, she realized that it was not gonna happen. She flung the blanket off of her and walked into the kitchen, where Elijah sat reading the newspaper and drinking coffee.

“Aren’t we the big boy? Paper and coffee?” She smirked in his general direction before turning her attention to the orange juice she had abandoned earlier.

“Oh shut up.” He replied.

They sat in a comfortable silence until she decided she was gonna go take a bath.

“Hey, I’m gonna get a quick bubble bath before everyone else wakes up and wants the shower. Make sure they don’t walk in on me, ok?”

“You are addicted to those bubble baths, aren’t you? Fine, I’ll make sure they don’t bother you.”

She sank into the bubbles once again, the smell of raspberries filling the air. Incense burned on the side of the tub and the lights were dimmed. This was the best way for Callie to relax and gather her thoughts. She heard the doorknob turn. At first she was startled and ready to scream at whoever it was to get the hell out, then she realized it was just Elijah. She sank back down into the water and closed her eyes. She wasn’t worried about him seeing her in the bathtub, her long hair hid whatever the bubbles didn’t and she and Elijah had had some of their best heart-to- hearts while she was in the tub.

“You’re gonna burn the house down one day, you know that, right? I just came to tell you that I made breakfast again. And the guys are up, so you had best hurry if you want any food. Orlando has adopted your blanket as well.” She let everything he was saying wash over her, not really paying attention to any of it, until she heard that someone other than her was enjoying the comforts of her blanket.

“Oh like fuck he has!! That’s my blanket!! Get out of here so I can dry off!” She was yelling at him, that was one of the only things she was possessive about. He left quickly, chuckling to himself. She jumped out and was toweling off when she heard the doorknob turn again.

“Elijah! Go away!! I don’t have any clothes on yet!” The door clicked shut immediately.

“Sorry” came the deep British voice through the door. She finished drying off quickly and threw her robe on. She raced out the door to see a tall figure retreating into the living room, her blanket slung across his broad shoulders. She ran down the hallway and jumped on his back, piggy-back style. She slapped him across the head before jumping down and wrenching her blanket from his grasp.

“Now that’s two times in less that twelve hours that you’ve managed to piss me off Mr. Bloom. I’d say we’ve gotten off on the wrong foot, wouldn’t you? If you’re gonna stay here, there are two things you need to know. The Cherry Coke and the green blanket are mine. Don’t touch them without permission. With that, hi, I’m Callie, how are you?” She extended her hand. She knew she was being a bitch, but she had yet to forgive him for embarrassing her the night before, and no one touched her blanket except her.

“So sorry Callie. I didn’t know” He gave her his most winning smile. It had no effect. He took the outstretched hand. “I’m Orlando, but you already knew that.”

They made their way to the kitchen without talking, Callie was happy; she had regained possession of her beloved blanket. Breakfast went fairly smooth. Billy and Dom had consumed most of the coffee earlier that morning, and Elijah had managed to finish the last pot by himself while she was in the tub, so no one except him was very awake. Halfway through breakfast, the phone rang. Elijah answered it, he always answered the phone. No one ever called for Callie.

“Cal, it’s for you” He had a slightly confused face. She shared it.

“Hello? Yes, this is she. Oh! Hello! Yes, uh huh…yes, oh that’s wonderful!! Tomorrow? Yes of course, I’ll be there.” She hung up with a look of elation painted on her face. “GUESS WHAT!!!” she squealed.

“What?” everyone in the room chorused at the same time.

“Well, ‘Lij, you remember the auditions I had the day that you left for Florida? That was a call back!! I’m so excited, but it looks like I’m gonna have to take a raincheck for today at the beach. I have to prepare, but I can do something later on tonight if you’d like.”

Elijah rushed over and gave her a huge bear hug. He was almost as excited as she was.

“No problem, you take as long as you need. We’ll just chill out on the beach today, later tonight, we’ll celebrate, shall we?” She blushed.

“There’s nothing to celebrate yet silly! I’m gonna go read over the script again. Call me if you need anything!” She rushed back into her room

Elijah and the rest of the guys finished their breakfast before grabbing their boards and heading out. They had a great day at the beach, mostly laughing at each other’s falls. Callie stayed in her room for most of the day, acting out different scenes while pacing in front of her mirror. She went out for a while to get a new shirt. She felt like she deserved something, even if it was only a call back. She decided upon a blue sparkly halter with a strappy back that she would wear that night.