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Green Blankets, Cherry Coke, Bubble Baths, by Dizzy

Fan Fiction

A/N: Hey now!! I have been accused of basing the main character on myself. What do I have to say to these accusations? ….duh. Lol, ok ok ok, I admit it, most of Callie, that’s me!! But parts of her are definitely not!! It’s up to you to figure out which is which! Ok, now, this chapter should be fun. If I wrote it right…I dunno. I think it’s crap. You be the judge.

Chapter 7 ~ Strip Truth or Spin

“Spin the Bottle”

“Truth or Dare”

“Spin the Bottle!!”

“Truth or Dare!!!” The battle had been going on for a full ten minutes. The girls wanted to play Spin the Bottle, they had no problems with kissing each other. The guys wanted to play Truth or Dare….didn’t matter how drunk he was, there was no way Dom was gonna let another guy kiss his date!!

“OK!! Ok, I have the solution. We play Truth or Spin. You can either get asked a question, or you can spin the bottle. Whoever it lands on, you have to kiss them. If you don’t want to kiss them, then it’s a shot of vodka and one item of clothing. As in, you take it off.” It appeared that Callie had come to the perfect solution. They all agreed, if some were a bit reluctant, the others made up for it in their enthusiasm. Callie ran/fell into the kitchen to retrieve some vodka. One bottle was almost empty, another one was full. She grabbed that and the half full bottle of tequila, in case you wanted a little variety. She managed to get back to the living room, downing the remainders of the first vodka bottle. That was going to be the game bottle. They arranged themselves in what looked like a circle in their eyes. In reality it was sort of a triangle/oval, but that was beside the point. She laid the bottle in the middle, and the game began.

“I’ll start. Elijah, Truth or Spin?” he spun, he knew how vicious girls could get with the whole Truth half of this game. It landed ooooon……Elizabeth. He leaned over to kiss her, when he caught a fist in his stomach. Dom was giving him an evil glare.

“Ok, so, that’s one shot of vodka please, and…uh…here. Take my watch.” The watch landed in the middle, alongside the bottle. “Orlando, Truth or Spin?” he also spun, it was beginning to look like no one need bother thinking up any good questions to ask anyone, they all enjoyed spinning. The bottle was pointing towards Billy. He groaned, but before he could move a muscle to take off his watch or necklace, Billy laid a wet one right on his lips. The game continued, and as was suspected, no one chose Truth. It soon became a game of full-fledged Spin the Bottle. It was Callie’s turn to spin. ……….. Orlando. She moved across the triangle on her hands and knees, he looked at her hungrily. They were both more drunk than they had been in a long, long time. His lips met hers, and soon to follow was his tongue. The world disappeared to Callie and all that was there was her and Orlando. Finally, she pulled away. They looked at each other with stars in their eyes.

“Well fuck me.” She breathed the words airily. He moved in for another kiss. She lurched back, pulled from the waist by Elijah who had watched the whole scene with wide, angry eyes. The game continued, if anyone noticed the daggers coming from Elijah’s eyes, aimed towards Orlando, no one said anything. Finally, it was his time for revenge. Callie and Elizabeth had gone to the kitchen to get some Cherry Coke, but had insisted that they keep playing without them. Elijah chose Orlando and the bottle landed on Dominic. Orlando was already down to nothing but his boxers, and it didn’t matter how drunk he was. He was not about to get naked in front of Dom’s date. Not with the threats he had been hearing all night. He kissed Dom quickly on the cheek.

“Uh uh, those are not the rules. It has to be on the mouth.” Dammit Billy, thought Orlando to himself. On the mouth it was. Gales of laughter were coming from Billy and Elijah as the camera flash went off. Elijah had gotten his camera without anyone noticing. One picture……worth a thousand words. Maybe two thousand if it made it to the internet…….

The laughter receded when they heard the thud come from the kitchen. They made it there as fast as they could, which wasn’t very fast as they were all tripping over the pile of clothes in the middle of the room. When they reached the kitchen, Elizabeth was slumped in the corner, the shoeless Callie (She had only removed her shoes, as her shirt didn’t allow for a bra and her pants were, well, her pants. She had kissed everyone in the room at least twice.) cradled in her arms. Elijah picked her up as gently as he could, not noticing that he hit her head on the counter. It didn’t matter; she was out for the night. He carried her back to his room. She couldn’t stay on the couch that night and Billy and Dom had dibs on her room. They continued to play until the majority had gone to bed or passed out. I suppose it’s true what they say about the Irish/Scottish and drinking, because Billy was the last one standing and he hadn’t refused to kiss anyone all night.

A/N: Good? Bad? Crap? Don’t hesitate to let me know, I thrive off of feedback.