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Green Blankets, Cherry Coke, Bubble Baths

Fan Fiction

Chapter 8 ~ Waiting

Elijah waked to the sun mercilessly beating down on his face. His pillow was right in the shaft of sunlight pouring in from the window. He had a blinding headache, but that didn’t prevent him from realizing that someone was in the bed behind him. He remembered bits and pieces of last night, and painfully rolled over, expecting to see Callie’s small frame next to him. He got a nasty shock when he realized that the person next to him was neither small nor Callie. Orlando’s mouth hung open…he looked like he had just been euthanized, almost dead. Then the pots started banging…pain seared through his temples. He got out of bed and stumbled into the main part of the house. Staggering into the kitchen, he found Calissa, looking as if she had no clue what ‘hangover’ meant. Truth be told, she had woken up earlier with a splitting headache. She now had enough Tylenol flowing through her veins to sedate an elephant. It was eleven o clock and he faintly remembered something about some audition she had to go to that day. Just when he was going to open his mouth to say something, Dom entered the room.

“Oh for fuck’s sake…WHAT are you doing??!!” He gestured to the pots she was practically banging down and the cabinet doors she had been slamming. “Jesus...where’s the aspirin?” She made an impatient motion with her hand, pointing to the table. There stood five glasses of water, each had three little white pills next to it. He grabbed his and gulped them down…then he made a move for one of the others and got his hand slapped by a hot spatula.

“Down boy, give them time to take effect. You want pancakes or French toast?” He just muttered and walked out of the room with his glass of water. Most likely off to search for the bottle of Tylenol.

“I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that that’s aaaaa no? How bout you Lij? Toast or pancakes?” He just stood there for a minute, bleary-eyed.

“Uh, uhm, pancakes, whatever.” He too grabbed his designated water and pills. “What time is your audition today? What is the movie about anyways, you never told us.” He thought that if he could get her talking, maybe he could forget about the aches that were running through his body.

“It’s at twelve which means I gotta get out of here in about ten minutes, as I have no clue how to get there. And as for the movie itself, well, it’s really cheesy, but it’s work and it’s the main character and the public likes cheesy. Plus, I have to get out there somehow. Anyways, this girl from a small town, somewhere in Kansas I think, she goes to art school in New York. She gets there, and tries to be nice to everyone, but everyone’s a major jackass to her and she doesn’t have any friends blah blah blah. Then her best friend decides to come up for a visit. He sees how unhappy she is blah blah blah and they fall in love. I know, I know, corniness to no end, but like I said, it’s work and it’s the main character.” While she had been talking, a look of concentration came over Elijah’s face; he was trying to remember something.

“What did you say the name of it was?”

“I didn’t, but I think it’s called ‘Moonlight and Fire-escapes’ I dunno, something like that.” Now it was his turn to look like the one who didn’t know what hangover meant. He jumped out of his chair and ran into his room. He emerged five minutes later with a look of triumph on his face, holding what was obviously a script. He plopped it on the table in front of her French toast.

“Is this it? I was offered the part of the best friend. I wasn’t gonna do it, because like you said, it’s cheesy, but if you get the part, I will SO do it.” They both looked elated, until Calissa looked at the clock and realized that she was supposed to have left five minutes ago. She jumped up, dumped her dishes in the sink, pulled on some shoes, grabbed her purse and raced out the door to her little civic.

When she got to the audition, she was relieved to find that she wasn’t late. Indeed, she was early. She was ushered into a waiting room, where five other girls sat patiently. They all looked like replicas of each other. As a matter of fact, they looked just like the cheerleader clones that she had always hated in school. When she was finally called in, she breathed deeply, now the stakes had risen. She had the chance to do a movie with Elijah. She went in and did what she personally thought was the best job she ever had done. She walked out feeling elated.

When she got back home, everyone was up and about. The apartment was crowded with testosterone, seeing as Elizabeth had left. The four guys were in the living room arguing over the remote. She cleared her throat a few times before they actually heard her.

“Cal!! You’re home!! How’d it go? When are they gonna call you? Who else was there?” The questions pelted her like hail.

“Hey now, calm down. It went great, they’re supposed to call me tonight, there were only five other girls there.” She directed her attention to Elijah. “Did you tell them?” Apparently he had for they were already congratulating them on their first movie together. Finally she got them to calm down. They were more excited than her. The phone rang, it was for Billy. They waited calmly for him to get off. He turned towards them.

“Hey Dom darlin, you know how you’re my date tonight? Well Elijah, or Orlando, one of you guys wanna be my mum?” He had the opening to one of his plays to go to that night. Dominic had already agreed to go with him, but apparently his mother, who was supposed to take the other ticket, wasn’t going to be able to make it.

“Sure, I’ll be your mom.” Elijah offered, he would not miss the chance to have fun with these two guys at an opening. They could be absolutely hilarious together.

The rest of the day was spent lounging around the house, waiting eagerly for the call that they all knew would come later that night, and watching the three get ready for that night. It looked as if Calissa and Orlando were going to have to survive the night together without killing each other. They had obviously forgotten about their rather passionate kiss the night before. But that was to be expected…it’s what happens when you’re so sloshed you can hardly see straight.

A/N: Feel free to criticize me all you want, I don’t care. I welcome the tips actually.