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Green Blankets, Cherry Coke, Bubble Baths, by Dizzy

Fan Fiction

Chapter 9 ~ A Bath, A Call, and Dinner

Calissa and Orlando sat across from each other in awkward silence. Elijah, Billy and Dominic had all left a few minutes earlier. They looked outrageous. They had borrowed some of Orlando’s shirts and were drowning in them because of the size difference. And what looked like a cute mini-tie on Orlando just looked goofy hangin halfway down Billy’s chest.

They sat there, watching old reruns of “Friends” until Callie decided that it was the perfect night for a bubble bath…just like any other night. She left the couch without a word to Orlando; he assumed she was going to her room to study. He got up about twenty minutes later and headed to the back of the house.

She stuck her favorite incense in the burner…the phone rested on the side of the bathtub. Her hair was tied up in a bun at the back of her head. The only light came from the four or five candles in the corner where the tub met the wall. The ringing phone startled her. She gained her composure before answering. “Hello?”

“Hi, may I speak to Calissa Thibodeaux please?” Calissa was impressed; she didn’t stumble over her last name or pronounce it incorrectly in the slightest.

“This is she.” She tried to remain calm.

“Hi Calissa. This is Amy Reams, I’m calling in reference to your audition earlier today.” Calissa’s breath caught in her throat.

“Yes Ms. Reams?”

“Congratulations Calissa, you got the part. We don’t know yet who will be playing the part of Eric yet, but filming starts this summer. We’ll call you later with specifics.”

“Thank you very much Ms. Reams.” She hung up. She felt as nothing in the world could go wrong at that moment. She was proven wrong when Orlando walked in.

“JESUS Mary and Joseph Orlando, what the fuck are you doing?” She wasn’t worried that a guy was in there, again, the bubbles prevented him from seeing anything. But it was the principal of the thing, Orlando walked in on her while she was in the bathtub.

“Oh god, I’m sorry, oh god, I didn’t know you were in here. I couldn’t find you in your room, I though you had slipped out while I was cooking, then the phone rang so you had to’ve gotten it, oh god.” He said all of this really fast and tried to look anywhere except the tub. Not an easy task, seeing how small the bathroom was. She sighed in exasperation.

“It’s alright you can look, you can’t see anything. What did you make for dinner?” He sat on the counter next to the sink.

“You and Elijah don’t have exactly the most well stocked fridge, so I had to end up making hamburgers. Hey!!! Did you get it? Was that them?” She put on a mock-sad face. ‘Let’s see how good my acting skills are’ she though to herself.

“No. I didn’t get it. They gave it to one of the other blonde bimbos there.” She was too close to smiling; she didn’t know how she was going to do it.

“What?!! Oh Calissa, I’m so sorry.” She flashed a grin at him.

“Gullible. Of COURSE I got it!!!” His turn to grin.

“That’s great!!! Hurry up and finish here and we’ll celebrate!!”

She did as she was told and was out of the tub in a few minutes. She threw on some pajamas, assuming that she wasn’t going anywhere that night and walked into the main part of the apartment. Orlando was waiting there with a bottle of wine and a plate of hamburgers. He had made them look as nice as possible, but hamburgers were hamburgers.

They laughed and talked about her role for the better part of two hours. It took the two of them to finish off the bottle of wine. When she was done eating, Calissa pushed her plate away from her and walked out onto the patio to look up at the night sky. Orlando followed her out to the railing, he wanted to talk to her about their relationship. Was she his friend? Secretly he wanted to know if she would ever be anything else…but he was not bold enough to talk about it.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” She was referring to the moon overhead. He didn’t know it, but that was one of her lines from the movie.

“Yeah.” He sounded deep in thought about something. She was just about to ask him what, when they heard the door open. She ran into the living room and tackled Elijah.

“I GOT IT!!!” She squealed. Billy and Dominic walked in almost stumbling over the two that had been knocked to the floor by the force of her impact.

“SHE GOT IT!!!” they both grabbed hands and started dancing around in circles chanting in sing-song voices “She got it. She got it.” Orlando stood by the patio door, a quirky little smile on his face.

They opened another bottle of wine and spent the night laughing, drinking, eating, talking. All the things that make it worthwhile to be with your friends. If Orlando didn’t talk much, no one noticed. If Elijah kissed Callie more than was necessary, no one noticed that either.