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Look Through To Me, by Dizzy

Note: Mmk little chidlin's, before you start reading this I want ya'll to know that this is an ORLANDO BLOOM fan fic, not an Elijah fic. As in, no, Elijah does not makeout with anyone of any importance in this story, he's not the hero, he's not the big-shot, he's not the love interest -- ect. ect. The hot-shit main-man in this lovely story is Orlando Bloom. Yes, this is an Elijah Wood fan site, and if you feel the urge to complain/whine/bitch please don't email the author, email me, after all, I'm the one who posted it.


Last updated on May 11, 2003

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Email Dizzy

Dizzy's Author's Bio