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About Mercedes


Mercedes is a fifteen year old born on Sunset Blv., Hollywood, California. Her parents divorced when she was 4, she has two older brothers, her dad remarried and now lives in Todo Santos, Baja. The pit-hole Mercedes and her mother now reside in is in the USA, we'll leave it at that. The only places she's ever visited/lived in have been California, Oregon, Mexico, Idaho, Arizona, Nevada and Washington. Her mother traveled a lot while pregnant with her, Mercedes believes this is part of the reason why she can't stand the thought of being in one place for too long. She wants to travel and doesn't travel enough. She wants to see the Northern Lights, Africa, Australia, South America, Italy, Egypt, Morocco, Finland, Alaska, Thailand, India -- primarily warm places, she's very heat-sensitive.

She attends a sort-of liberal arts school, and is very torn about the situation. To an extent, she thinks the freedom is wonderful and to an extent she wants to drop out of school to avoid the people who take advantage of the system. She'd like to attend Sarah Lawrence.

Dance is a big part of Mercedes' life. In her spare time she likes to choreograph, read up on famous dancers (some of her favorites are Ted Shawn, Isadora Duncan, and Baryshnikof), and she takes ballet and jazz classes at the community college. It is unlikely that she will ever be a dancer as a profession.

Mercedes started the geeky hobby of writing fan fiction in 6th grade when she discovered the Magical Fairy Band, O-Town, and read a horrendously sleazy Mary-Sue. In sixth grade she wrote her first finished piece of fan fiction. It was 12 chapters long and is now locked away in a chest. She lost the key and she hasn't touched a single page of that story for about three years. In 7th grade she became obsessed with the Other Magical Fairy Band, Nsync, and wrote one other Mary Sue, one adventure story, and some slash. Yes... this is where it gets interesting. 8th grade, she discovered the Magical Hobbit, Elijah Wood. Through a series of het pieces, she crossed over the bridge and found herself in Slash Land, which has since become quite homey. Lately, she's been writing a lot of original fiction and a lot of Harry Potter fan fiction.

For non-Elijah related fiction, visit my personal archive Liquid Ice.

Current celebrity crushes include:
Elijah Wood
Daniel Radcliffe
Julianne Moore
Johnny Depp
Macaulay Culkin
And the elusive Banana Republic model.

So, I suppose that's about all, you can email Mercedes at You can also check out her penname at Fanfiction.Net: Heartless Lemon Meringue -- and you can review ... Should you be interested in hearing about the daily turmoil and aggravation that shoots her in the foot on a regular bases, and the cause for some outstanding writer's block, I direct you to her live journal.
