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Name: Chelle

Age: Guess! No, really. *Guess*


Books: A Light in the Attic, IVWTV, *or* The Green Hills of Earth

Movie: Monty Python's Holy Grail

TV Show: West Wing

Hobbies: Writing, composing, eating butterscotch pudding.

Favorite character in LotR: Samwise Gamgee

All time best LotR/Actor fic you've ever read (include URL if possible): Oh, God, this is a hard one... Despite the fact that I hate open endings, In The Arms of the Angels by Pecos is one of my all-time favorites.

Can you remember the VERY FIRST fan fic you ever read? Nope!

If yes, what was it called/what fandom? See above.

What's the first fic you ever wrote? A g-rated Dragonlance het piece! *blush*

Slash good or bad? You're KIDDING, right?? Good. *Very* good.

FanFiction.Net penname: Michelle Smith

If I were a LotR creature I would be a... Big-ass raven!

When you die and go to heaven, if there is a heaven, what do you want to hear God say to you when you get there?

"Oh, Chelle! Could I please get your signature? Yes, my son's a big, big fan of your writing. Oh, sure, the inside cover is just fine. Yes, that's C-H-R-I-S-T; it's a birthday present, you know, so maybe you could just write something about that...? Yes, that's just fine. Thank you so much -- go right on in."

What's your favorite insult of all time?

"You, sir, are an asshat."

What is the personal motto by which you live your life?

Knowledge is power, and power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

What's your favorite Ben & Jerry flavor?

Phish Food. I, however, am very much not a hippie. It's just a lovely flavor, that's all. And I'm sticking to that. *hides Grateful Dead cd*

What's your favorite invented porn magazine?

Invented porn magazine? I wouldn't know anything whatsoever about porn magazines. *pretty smile* Can we move on to the next question, please?

What will you name your first child/living-organism-that-you-can-freely-name-above-the-age-of-eighteen?

Xavian, or maybe Mercutio. This will probably be a goldfish, or maybe a guitar. You will never convince me my guitar's aren't alive.

What is the most hilarious curse word invented by humans?

Fuck. Come on, it's supposed to be this terrible, terrible word, but frankly, anything that rhymes with "duck" just isn't gonna sound too shocking.

What will your stripper name be?

Vera Starr.

What's the funniest band name you can come up with?

Almost Swedish.

Office Depot or Office Max?

Whichever has those neat purple jelly-sliders on sale for less.

Is OJ innocent or guilty, and does it even matter?

Guilty as fuck (snicker), and of course it matters -- if he'd actually been innocent, the whole thing wouldn't have been nearly so interesting.

The answer is 42, what's the question?

What's three plus six times eight plus one minus two times four minus two?

Fics by Chelle

Butterfly Eyes (or How I Learned to Smoke)
Rock the Cradle