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Author Index

Note from Mercedes: I could have put a picture of Elijah here, but decided against it, hence, this marvelous pic is what seperates EC from every other Elijah fan site on the internet. So unless Dizzy finds something else, it stays.

Author's Survey

Name: Courtney

Age: old enough to know how many moose it takes to screw in a lightbulb



Books: very many. LOTR, Ender's Game, Wyrm, To Kill a Mockingbird, A Gathering of Old Men, Chronicles of Narnia...the list stretches on and on...

Movie: Another long list. LOTR, Gladiator, Pretty Woman, American Beauty, Braveheart, High Fidelity...

TV Show: I don't watch a lot of TV, so this is a no-go

Hobbies: Reading, shouting profanity from the curb, swimming, scaring small children into paranoia, singing, talking to moose, climbing trees, drinking (mweh...who knows what?), riding horses,

Favorite character in LotR: You're all going to kill me, but no, it's not Frodo. It's most definitly the Uruk-hai., Legolas, or perhaps Gandalf, maybe it's actually Aragorn...::shrugs::

All time best LotR/Actor fic you've ever read: Don't ask me to choose

Can you remember the VERY FIRST fan fic you ever read? nooooope.

What's the first fic you ever wrote? The First and only (as of yet) Green Blankets, Cherry Coke, Bubble Baths

Slash good or bad? good, when done tastefully

FanFiction.Net penname: Dizzy Gizmo, but I don't have anything up there right now

If I were a LotR creature I would be an elf! Dur!

Isabel and Diz's Highly Significant New Author's Survey

When you die and go to heaven, if there is a heaven, what do you want to hear God say to you when you get there?

-Holy shite, you made it!

What's your favorite insult of all time?

-Calling someone any adjective combined with the word ass and then adding ho on the end. Ex: Lazy-ass ho, cheap-ass ho, etc. etc.

What is the personal motto by which you live your life?

-Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?

What's your favorite Ben & Jerry flavor?

-Cherry Garcia

What's your favorite invented porn magazine?


What will you name your first child/living-organism-that-you-can-freely-name-above-the-age-of-eighteen? -Giovanni

What is the most hilarious curse word/phrase invented by humans?

- the phrase "way the hell out there in bum-fuck Egypt"

What will your stripper name be?

-Flixie the Naughty Pixie (stolen from Isa)

What's the funniest band name you can come up with?

-I can't come up with one, so I have to steal something else from Isa "Jesus and the Hell Bastards" or (and this one is my own, though not nearly as funny) "Little Deaths"

Office Depot or Office Max?

-Max...Depot is just a rip-off of Home Depot

Is OJ innocent or guilty, and does it even matter?

-It doesn't matter, so I'm not gonna answer

The answer is 42, what's the question?

-What's the meaning of life?

Fics By Dizzy:

Green Blankets, Cherry Coke, Bubble Baths

Look Through To Me


Something, Something