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Note: the size made it sort of blotchy.
Author Index

Name: Mercedes

Age: 15



Books: Violet & Claire, Weetzie Bat, Primavera and Ecstasia by Francesca Lia Block, really anything by her I love. The Bell Jar, Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban, Franny and Zooey, and Cat's Cradle.

Movies: Jurasic Park, Star Wars original trilogy, The Beach, The Royal Tenenbaums, Amelie, Mulholland Dr and The Hours.

TV Show: Everybody Loves Raymond and Will & Grace.

Hobbies: Writing, reading, making collages, painting, occasionally practicing guitar.

Favorite character in LotR: I really liked Pippin and Sam, and I adored Gollum.

All time best LotR/Actor fic you've ever read: Oh probably Maya, by V, or Verdraengen, by Isabel, or Butterfly Eyes, by Chelle. Everything on Wax World is great.

Can you remember the VERY FIRST fan fic you ever read? Er, yes.

If yes, what was it called/what fandom? Slipping Through My Fingers, O-Town, and it was started four years ago and it has yet to be finished (ha!).

What's the first fic you ever wrote? ::cringe:: This horrible O-Town slutty-Mary-Sue... My first sorta-novelish-thing.

Slash good or bad? Wonderful.

FanFiction.Net penname: Heartless Lemon Meringue

If I were a LotR creature I would be a... fairy!

Isabel and Diz's Highly Significant New Author's Survey

When you die and go to heaven, if there is a heaven, what do you want to hear God say to you when you get there?

"Go back to Earth."

What's your favorite insult of all time?

Chingon, which is Spanish for motherfucker.

What is the personal motto by which you live your life?

"Dance is the only thing of which we ourselves is what it is made." -Ted Shawn

What's your favorite Ben & Jerry flavor?

White Russian, but I also really like their new peach flavor and The Full Vermontian is delicious, also Berry Kaboom. Unfortunately, they retired all of those flavors.

What's your favorite invented porn magazine?

Oh... that changes with the obsession.

What will you name your first child/living-organism-that-you-can-freely-name-above-the-age-of-eighteen?


What is the most hilarious curse word invented by humans?

"Dick!" -Dan

What will your stripper name be?

Felatio Fairy

What's the funniest band name you can come up with?

Mrs. Butterworth and the Flap Jacks

Office Depot or Office Max?

Office Depot

Is OJ innocent or guilty, and does it even matter?

Guilty as a dog with whipped cream on its shnoz; and of course it matters, that was like six years of quality telivision! Not like this Boston Public crap we've got now.

The answer is 42, what's the question?

How many SoBe bottle caps do I need to accumulate before I can die?

Stories by Mercedes...

I Don't Wanna Be
Lipstick Kissed Stale Cigarettes
The Benson Fiasco
