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Fan Fiction
Submitting Requirements

Beta-readers! You know how your teacher just LOVES to mark your wonderous writing up with a red pen? Just like writers feel like killing their editors because they're forced to write draft, after draft, after draft... Well, that's basically what a beta-reader is. I like to think of them as beta(better)-readers; they just correct your puncuation, spelling, make sure you didn't leave out an 'R' in 'interruption', or that your grammer's all nice and pretty and your sentences aren't redundant or choppy. Also, they're good for giving back CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISCISM (gasp), all writers LOVE this phrase because that means that they aren't only getting, "it was good, write more." they're getting real, true feedback!

Umm... lost my point... OH! Ok, if you're thinking of submitting some fan fiction, I will love you until I hate Elijah Wood (ha! cough.) or decide to kill this site, if you use a beta-reader! Ya'll understand? Ok, good.

Here is my list of willing beta-readers, with their emails and what they're willing to beta ect. ect... If you're interested in becoming a beta-reader, EMAIL ME, but be sure to include what kind of fics you're willing to read/edit.

Ex: Suzie-Anne (hehe, Mary-Sue's evil cousin), Will beta slash, romance, adventure, mystery, but no PG-13s.

Still don't get it? Here're some real ones:

Dizzy/Courtney Will beta everything except no G or PG fics.

Gail Any genre and any rating except no NC17s.

Isabel, will beta everything, except Mary-Sues (Non-characterized characters with a simple plot, ex: Thumbalina, was a Mary-Sue, she had no personality and we all knew she would marry the Fairy prince and live happily ever after.).

Lilith Will read anything except G's & PG's.

Mercedes, will beta slash, all genres, but no NC-17s.

Vicky Everything.

Well then... that's all cleared up, I hope. Email me if you're interested in beta-ing!