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Fan Fiction

Tired of having to sift through the hundreds of Elijah Wood fan sites and not finding any good (if any!) Elijah fan fics? I am too! So I've done all the sifting for you, so have fun and please email your comments to the authors! They've worked hard!

Do you have a fan fic you want hosted? Read the requirements for submitting first.

DISCLAIMER!: We don't know Elijah Wood. We don't own Elijah Wood. Don't email us asking for his address, phone number, email, contact information, ect. Elijah Wood is owned by himself. As are all the other famous people mentioned in our fan fics. The End. :)


* = Prequel/Sequel

/ = Slash, wherein, Elijah is gay/bi or one of the other male characters are in love with him.

Works In Progress

Incognito, by Greenie
Infatuations, by Mercedes
Lipstick Kissed Stale Cigarettes, by Mercedes
Look Through To Me, by Dizzy
Paradise Cove, by Vicky

Undressing Rooms, by Dahlia


Green Blankets, Cherry Cokes, Bubble Baths, by Dizzy
Resist Your Urges, by Amy

Short Stories