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Q: What the fuck is up with Franka and Elijah? Are they dating or what?

A: Ugh... who really knows anymore? First, they weren't dating, "just kissing"; then they were dating, now they're, er... back to "not wanting to talk about it." So, I don't know, nobody really knows, but we'll keep you posted.

Q: Is there any way that we could get Elijah to do an exclusive interview just for Elijah Chico?

A: An exclusive interview just for Elijah Chico ... ah, yes, that would be marvelous! Unfortunately, Elijah Chico is just run by lil ol' me, and I'm afraid I don't have the connections to get an interview ... yet. Someday (crosses her fingers) ...


Q: Why did you make this crappy site?

A: That is answered here.

Q: What does the title mean?

A: Elijah Chico is Spanish for Elijah Boy, chico = boy. However, the name probably isn't grammatically correct, but it's cute, I like it.

Q: If I told you my first language was Spanish and that your title is incorrect would you change it?

A: Nope.

Q: I have news about Elijah, wanna know what it is?

A: Hell yes!


Q: What's fan fiction?

A: Fan fiction is fiction written by fans about their favorite whatever -- it can be a book, movie, TV show, or celebrity.

Q: Do you write it?

A: Yes I do.

Q: Will you host my fan fic?

A: Read the Requirements For Submitting and then ask.


Q: Well, who the hell are you?

A: I'm Mercedes. Your fellow low-life dreaming of the staticy screen.

Q: So ... you're not Elijah?

A: Ha! If I were Elijah I'd stalk myself! I'd be my own lover and greatest fear! Ah turmoil ...

Q: Are you famous?

A: Nope.