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Fan Fiction Recommendations

Fan Fiction


LotR Actor Fics

Maya, by V
It's all about process, subtlety and a culture that they don't understand.

Fucked, by Buffett
I love Buffett's LotR RPS. It's all amazingly well done.

Crush, by Mcee
Sean A/Elijah
The first time I read this I couldn't stop thinking about it for days. It's simplistic... but somehow it's really moving.

Easy, by Span
Elijah/Daniel Radcliffe
Sweet and simple, but elongated and really beautiful.

You're So Much Looser Now, by Chloe
Dom/Elijah/Daniel Radcliffe
Poignant and dynamic. In companion to Like Justin and Brian

There and Back Again, by Jenny
Elijah/Justin Timberlake (yes, an acquired taste)
This one always amuses me. I love the Tori Amos reference of "starfucker" through out the whole thing. (fyi: that term's from her song Professional Widow)

Snafu, by Mcee
Elijah/Kelly Osbourne
Nevermind the odd pairing. It's possitively delicious and simple.

Kids Today, by Mcee
Another drabble. So so cute.

The Furies, by Untitled06
Delicious, I wish it were longer.


The Faculty

Void, by Wax Jism
Sexy, dark, voyeuristic, beautiful.

Hard Candy, by Mcee
Enough to turn someone to goo.


Harry Potter

Second of our Reign, by Wax Jism
Remus/Sirius, Harry/Draco
Amusing, adorable and sexy.

Irresistable Poison, by Rhysenn
Full of depth and raw emotion. The epic Harry/Draco fic.

Want, by Aja
Harry/Tom Riddle
Poignant, addictive and dark.

A Prayer for You, by Ambrosius
Heart-wrenching, caustic, gorgeous.

Blood Magic, by Satella
Dark, painful, delightful, saddistic.

Silver Lining, by Satella
Poetic, cold, tangible.

Thing, by Wax Jism and Cimorene
Sirius/Remus, Remus/Lily, Lily/James
That made me drown in my mind for two days. I was dead. I was ressurected. I was chryogenically frozen and melted with anger and disbelief and warmed and thrown into a bucket of water and slept and woke and scraped the soot from my eyes to get a better view and oh my God it was amazing.

If there's something you think belongs on this page, let me know.