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Sometimes people hear their friends say, "I'm gonna make an Elijah Wood website!" and in turn they groan in despair, thinking, "Why, oh why? There are already TOO MANY Elijah sites out there, don't clutter the internet!"

So, let me start by saying: I completely AGREE! There are WAAAAAYY too many Elijah sites out there -- but how many do you know of host fan fiction -- let alone GREAT fan fiction? Uhu, that's what I thought. Since, Elijah Fan has shut down, and all the other sites don't host or only have like ... two fics, that have predictable plots and characters lacking a back-bone.

Now, one might bring up or whatever it's called that was the first (and pretty much, ONLY) fan fiction site all for Elijah -- not to say mine doesn't have ANY exceptions, I've got A exception, but this is my site and I'll post what I damn well please -- but they don't have very many fics, and often times I've gone over there and found that it's under reconstruction -- yet again.

Also, I love fan fiction, and writing, they're my life and love seeing as I'm a very picky person who has lost interest in watching Friends and never seems to remember that Thursdays (or is it Wednesdays?) Will & Grace is on.

However, the BIGGEST reason, is that FanFiction.Net BANNED/EXECUTED/RELINQUISHED/ABANDONED/RESIGNED/YEILDED their once wonderful approvel of actor fics. Which is pure discrimination and they are CRUEL, CRUEL people, who don't believe that fiction written about actors by fans is FAN FICTION. Isabel wrote them a lovely letter within her story Verdraengen when it was posted on FFN disagreeing and poking various holes within their statement -- however, Verdraengen, Green Blankets ect., and one of my entire accounts (I had three) were all DELETED on account of breaking the no-actor-fics rule -- so, in non-violent protest I created this site to host the homeless fan fiction that would have otherwise, met its doom and been locked within their desktop-folders forever. Basically, you can think of this site as a shelter/humaine-society for fan fiction.

Any other questions, bashings, bitching, comments, ect. can be emailed to me so that eventually I'll be able to create a FAQs page.
