Cowgal Charlupa

my name is buttface
i go to OALC (alternative school)
i live in brooklyn center minnesota

yo mama

you remind me of the babe what babe? the babe with the power what power? power of voodoo who do? you do do what? remind me of the babe!!................ howday my name is cwgal charlupay . music is my life i listen to david bowie , prince, micheal jackson!! they have soooo much talent i wish that i were as cool as them!!!!! nah actually i like pink floyd, paul simon, art garfunkel, the misfits, krisiun, vulnerata uuuuh eeehh uuuh eh thats all i can think of to write at this moment aboot music i hate tv ! tv is for retards!!! the only thing i like are movies and the only good show is full house because bob sagget is on that show he is SOOOO DREAMMY!! i get wet downstairs just thinkin about him!!mmmmMMMMmmm ! i love giving donkeys head for quarters its very very fun because thez cum all over your body you should try it some time! i am very very christian i sing in the church chior and i help on church activities god is in my heart and he better be in yours!! or you are doomed to hello operater give me number nine. i wish that every one on this planet would die except for the following.........miranda amadeus matt mymom leo will mr.gagnon bob sagget richard simons chad ryan christina micheal heather keri berta margie and and and and and and OF COARSE ME!!!cuz i am the best i am jesus!! then ME and everyone else would rule the world!! we would have no animals except for flamingoes (we would have flamingo sandwiches for brekfast ) donkys( i need donky cocks) and llamas and and and my kittain and stormy and ferreetsamo and monkeys wit no mokeys they would probably over power us people cuz they are lots more educated than us!!! so yea that is how i want the world to be ....... miranda is my wife and willalways be forever THE END!!!