
thanx for the hate mail i like ur guys hate mail cause it's hillarious!!!:):) haha u all are funny!!

? Thursday 03/07/2002 6:26:44pm Name: bacon Homepage: http:// email: Comments: i hope you have a wonderful day amadeus, yea anywho i like to listen to punk rock and all sorts and varieties of metal just curious what kind of punk rock?... mxpx or blink 182? nancey boy!

Wednesday 03/06/2002 12:59:14am Name: wittmark Homepage: http://tit email: tit Comments: you little retards. i wish i could gut you and process your corpses for meat to feed to elementary kids

Wednesday 03/06/2002 4:02:51am Name: Banjodark Homepage: http:// email: Comments: I hate you all, I wish to use your head as a bowling ball.discuss.

Tuesday 03/05/2002 10:47:16pm Name: Prep Homepage: http:// email: prep@prep.com Comments: despite all the warnings against "preppy" people, i decided to come here, anyways. I am very intimadated by your punkish zeal. Your taste in music makes me jealous of you, because you're too cool to be cool. I guess i'll just have to go to a store and buy some new fancy clothes to make me feel better. I'll buy some very preppy clothes, and then i'll oppress you with my cleanliness

Tuesday 03/05/2002 10:25:00pm Name: soul coughing Homepage: http:// email: Comments: Ur near future i wish i could be like u...

Tuesday 03/05/2002 10:20:44pm Name: bacon Homepage: http:// email: Comments: you are a bunch of loosers i found this site because my little brother left it on a sheet of paper near the computer... how pathetic are you... lets count the ways, shall we?1. do you know what a punk is. obviously not2. you are not in any way evil you nancey boys3. how old are you? 4 maybe 64. the fact that you took the time to put a site up on angelfire makes you complete morons... if you knew anything about computers/internet you would know that angelfire is a horribleyou are all morons and i am telling my friends about this site to make fun of you!