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All thumbnails are cropped and black and white. Hover your mouse cursor over one to see description and click for full sized, colored goodness/badness. Good or bad, none of this artwork will be used on any site without my permission or there will be messy consequences. Please e-mail me if you would like to display any of this stuff on your site. Thankles :)

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Fanart by Nicoco
((Anime style fanart, mostly anime but one Linkin Park pic ^-^))
Shikai & Jiko ((Schism online manga)) Muraki-Sama & Tsuzuki-Chan!! ((Yami No Matseui)) Muraki-Sama ((Yami No Matseui)) Farfarello *MATURE* ((Weiss Kreuz)) Mike & Chester ((Linkin Park)) Reno ((Final Fantasy VII)) Muraki ((Yami no Matsuei)) Touga & Utena ((Revolutionary Girl Utena)) Touga ((Revolutionary Girl Utena)) Schuldich *MATURE* ((Weiss Kreuz)) Kougajii ((Gensomaden Saiyuki)) Fuko-chan ((Flame of Recca))

Original Artwork by Nicoco
((Not much gay stuff, its in the next section...))

**"Frostbite" series property of Nicole K.
Tetsu & Ryuiji Era, Ayden & Tetsu Ayden Ayden sketch Ryuiji & Tetsu Lucifiel Vandill *MATURE* Ayden Vandill Eraric or Era for short revised Shinya Ryuji Tetsu Shinya Tetsu & Ryuji

**Random Original Characters property of Nicole K.
Unamed Boys Unamed Boy Unamed Grrls Ally & Nikki ((original fic/manga in progress)) Ally & Nikki ((original fic/manga in progress)) Ally & Nikki ((original fic/manga in progress)) Vincint, Meh and Nikki ((original fic/manga in progress)) Ally ((original fic/manga in progress)) Mitsuji Midori ((original fic/manga in progress))

**Abandoned "Glass" Series Conceived by Perris N. with Art by Nicole K.
Mortimer Glass Mortimer Glass Flowergirl

Original YAOI/SHONEN-AI Artwork by Nicoco
((Here's the gay stuff! ^-^))
Tetsu x Ryuiji *MATURE* (('Frostbite' original fic/manga)) Ayden x Vandill *MATURE* (('Frostbite' original fic/manga)) Ayden x Eraric *shonen ai* (('Frostbite' original fic/manga))

Original Mini Comics and Silly-ness property of Nicole K.
((Not much now, but soon there will be more))
Pic for My BF Kevin who loves WWE's Hurricane Get well card for my boyfriend ^-^ The Angst that is PERRIS! comic -.-;;
"The Angst that is PERRIS!" comic
A comic I made about the infamous ((at least in the hallway he's infamous....)) Perris. See 'em HERE as well as the other Hallway dwellers such as myself ((Very blury pic of me but I'm the one with the plaid pants ^-^;;))